Page 24 of Love You Never
“All right,” she mutters after a full minute of silent scrutiny. “So maybe you are.”
A grin spreads across my face as I flex a few more times, wanting to keep her attention focused on me.
She points to the crumpled shirt. “You can put that back on now, He-Man.”
Yeah…that’s not going to happen. Especially with the way her pupils have dilated. The girl likes what she sees, even if she refuses to admit it.
When I bridge the gap between us with a single step, she lifts her chin to hold my gaze. I settle between her legs, forcing them wider. Her palms settle on my bare chest as her spine hits the mattress and I cage her in with my arms.
A potent concoction of confusion and lust swirl through her eyes as she searches mine for answers to questions that have yet to leave her lips. They’re absolutely gorgeous in their intensity. Coupled with her long, blonde hair, toned athletic body, and smartass mouth, the girl is a fucking wet dream sprung to life.
I let it be known from day one when a few of my teammates mentioned what a hottie Carina was that she wasn’t to be touched.
Or looked at.
Or spoken to.
All I had to do was headhunt a few guys during practice for it to sink in that I was in no way fucking around. It’s been more challenging to keep the rest of the assholes at Western at bay, but I’ve done it.
Carina would probably kick my ass if she ever found out how many strings I had to pull to make certain she was not only on the same floor but right next door. It involved giving the apartment manager’s kid a handful of private skating lessons as well as some Western Wildcats hockey merch.
Her breath catches, sounding as if it’s become clogged at the back of her throat. “What are you doing?”
Instead of responding, I toss the question back at her. “What does it look like?”
She’s a smart girl. She has to realize what’s been brewing beneath the surface since the very beginning.
“Something we shouldn’t.”
My lips hover dangerously over hers. I can’t stop thinking about the way she sat on my lap and rubbed herself against me like a cat in heat while we kissed the other night. Hands down, it was the single hottest kiss I’ve ever experienced.
And that’s saying something.
It’s not like I’ve led a chaste life up until this point. I’ve spent years trying to evict this girl from my head, but no other chick has been able to do it. I’m beginning to suspect that no one ever will.
I’m obsessed with Carina.
I always have been.
“And why is that?”
“Because…” Her whispered voice trails off.
Unable to resist the lure of her plush lips, my mouth drifts over hers in much the same way hers ghosted over mine in the studio. It’s so damn tempting to take her the way I’ve dreamed about for years.
Fucking years.
“Because family and sex don’t mix?” I ask.
A burst of surprised laughter escapes from her as humor flashes in her eyes. “Yeah…something like that.”
I flex my hips until my hard length can slide against the V between her legs. It’s a languid movement that has her pupils dilating until the black nearly swallows up the bright color.
“You got me pretty wound up the other day,” I growl before nipping at her plump lower lip with sharp teeth. “I think you did it on purpose.” When she remains silent, I grind against her for a second time. “Am I right?”
Instead of responding, her thighs widen, the long length of her legs tangling around my waist, anchoring me to her so that my cock is flush against her pussy. There’s only a few pieces of clothing to separate us.
Fuck but her legs are muscular.