Page 50 of Love You Never
If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s drunken assholes.
Before I can tell him no, he slurs, “I wanna call my mom and tell her that I just met the girl of my dreams.”
I roll my eyes and shove him away.
“Not interested,” I yell over my shoulder before turning my back to him.
If I’m lucky, that’ll be enough of a—
His hand locks around my arm, the fingers biting into my bare flesh as he spins me around.
The smile curving his lips falls away. “There’s no reason to be a bitch. Can’t you see that I’m trying to be nice?”
This is him trying to be nice?
Ugh. Sometimes I just don’t understand the male species.
Like at all.
“Apparently there is,” I shout to be heard above the insistent thump of the music. “I’m not interested in you or your cheesy pickup lines. So…we’re done here.” I shoo him away with my hand. “Now be gone.”
His mouth twists into a snarl. When he attempts to drag me closer, I jerk my arm, trying to break his iron hold. It’s like I’m caught in a steel trap. Had I been smart, I would have kept my big mouth shut and quietly slipped through the crowd, but this kind of behavior is tiring.
I’m not someone who enjoys causing a scene, but I will if I have to. And this has definitely turned into one. As I wind up to punch this guy in the face, a deep voice says from behind me, “If you value your life, you’ll release her right the fuck now.”
My gaze swivels toward the familiar voice, only to lock eyes with Ford. Not that I couldn’t handle this jerk on my own, but a wave of relief crashes over me that I don’t have to.
Drunk dude glances at him before scowling. “This doesn’t involve you, buddy. So beat it.”
A steely glint enters Ford’s eyes as he straightens to his full height, which is just a few inches taller. The murderous expression on his face is one I recognize. There have been a half a dozen times, especially in high school, that he’s given the same look to other guys who couldn’t take no for an answer. Some of those confrontations ended in beatdowns. He always came out on top, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get scraped up in the process. At the end of the night, we’d go home, and I’d carefully tend to his wounds.
Not wanting the situation to escalate into a physical altercation, my palm settles on his chest in order to keep him at bay.
Ford’s arm snakes around my waist before he hauls me against the solid strength of his body. “That’s where you’re wrong. She already told you that she isn’t interested and for some strange reason, you’re unwilling to accept that answer.”
When Ford closes the distance between them, drunk guy has to lift his chin to maintain eye contact. His fingers burn through the thin fabric of my dress as he holds me close. It wouldn’t surprise me to find his handprint singed into the flesh beneath.
A permanent reminder of him.
As if that’s necessary.
I’ve done my damnedest to evict him from my brain and nothing has ever done the trick.
“Now, if you’d like, I’ll back off and let her finish this. But I can tell you what will happen in case you’re interested— you’ll either get smoked in the face or she’ll go for your nuts.” Ford jerks his chin toward me. “She’s not the type of girl who’ll put up with shit from a drunk asshole.”
The guy’s lips flatten into a tight line as he glares at Ford and then me. “Are you calling me an asshole?”
I didn’t think it was possible for the slurring to get worse.
Apparently, I was wrong.
“If you can’t figure that out for yourself, then it’s time to call it a night.”
Drunk guy staggers a couple of paces before shaking his head. “Fuck this. No pussy is worth this much hassle.”
I blow out a relieved breath as he stumbles off through the gyrating crowd. “What a jerk.”
He snorts as the tension gripping him finally loosens. “Yup.”