Page 65 of The Canary Cowards
“You alright?” She rushes around the machine, bending down by my leg and looking up at me with those fuck me eyes she doesn't realize she's giving me. “Shit, what happened?!”
Her concern is everything I need.
“It's my hamstring, it's tight.” I groan again, reaching for it, really milking it.
“Okay, okay.” She nods nervously. “Let's get you to the mat and I'll stretch you out.”
She heads towards the back room with the table and my grin spreads like a Cheshire cat.
“Sounds perfect,” I murmur to myself.
She flips on the lights to the room ahead as I limp past a man on the StairMaster. His scowl makes me smile even more. I know he hates seeing me working with Dylan. I think she used to work with him before I slid in and took her away. Now he's jealous, and I'm sending him soaring with a nod and a wink while walking into the back room with her.
Luckily, it's only the three of us here this early in the morning. Jaden and Greg don't come in until later, I've noticed. Now that I think about it, I don't like the idea of her here without a man she can trust. This greasy, overweight, smelly lard of groans and awkward moans should never be in a room alone with her. Guaranteed she's given him a woody he's been waiting to act on. I'll need to put in a call to Greg about that.
“Lay back,” she instructs, pointing to the blue mat. “You staying hydrated?”
I sit back on it as she crouches down in her cute little matching gray sweatshirt and pants, her hair up in a messy bun on top of her head, with little pieces hanging down all around her perfect little neck. That neck I can circle with one hand—
“Lake!” she yells my name, pulling me from my fun-filled fantasies. “Lay back!”
I shake my head, realizing I haven’t a clue what she just asked me, and lay back, raising my one leg to the ceiling. I swallow, closing my eyes as she places my calf on her shoulder, enclosing her hands around my good knee. She slowly straightens the leg while leaning forward.
My quad isn't tight at all. I'm in no pain. I just wanted her hands on me in this back room again.
“How's it feel? Is this too hard?” she asks as she continues to lean forward in small increments.
I bite back my immature response, wanting so badly to scream,You'd know if it was!
“More,” I say, looking up at her directly above me.
I'm challenging her with my eyes. Begging to see some sign of need or want beneath the surface of those amber beauties. Her full lips part slightly as we keep eye contact.You must want me.
Pieces of her hair hang down, framing her heart-shaped face as she inches her way closer and closer to me. I drop my mouth open as she pushes forward more. This position is very reminiscent of our night together—her soft skin holding onto me, her honey scent flooding my senses, her beautiful face above mine as she took me deep.
“Oh, yeah.” I groan against the stretch, needing to close my eyes to ward off this erection.
She sighs, but it sounds more like a scoff. Releasing the stretch, she stands, putting her hands on her hips and glaring down at me.
“Please stop making this awkward,” she begs, closing her eyes and placing a hand on her forehead. “I'm really trying.”
I cock my brow. “I'm sorry, I thought we were just stretching? Where didImake this awkward?”
Her eyes narrow, and I feel her anger.Yep, just threw that back in your face, Dictator Dylan.
“Seriously Lake, knock it off,” she scolds, and I feel the fire in her start to smolder.
“Excuse me?! You're the one being awkward by bringing it up, Dylan.” I hop up off the mat, straightening my shorts with my palms. “I'd already forgotten about it.”
I'm such a brat. But I need something from her, even if all I get is anger. I need emotion from the emotionless workhorse before me.
She twists her lips to the side, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You're right. I'm sorry.”
No. No, that wasn't how you were supposed to respond.
“Ready to finish up?” she asks softly, looking down at the floor while pointing back out to the gym area with a thumb over her shoulder.
She won't even look at me. Unacceptable.