Page 10 of Sweet on Her
“That sounds good. The catering services that you’re talking about are the dessert table kinds, right?”
“Yes, I don’t think either one of us really wants to do full meals.”
“Nope. I am strictly a pastry chef.”
“Good. Then we’re on the same page.”
“Yes. We are.”
She clears her throat. “So…umm. Have you had a chance to look around yet?”
“Yes, I have. It doesn’t seem like it’s changed very much.”
“Not really. Still have the old drive-in outside of town that only shows movies on Friday and Saturday nights. Still have the diner and the one nice restaurant just outside of town. And then there’s the library. The police station and courthouse in the oldest municipal building left known to man. You know.”
“I do know.” I grin and sit down at the counter where we’ve wandered to while she gets us a couple of cups of coffee and a strange donut like I’ve never seen before.”
I pick it up and stare at it for a minute. “What the heck kind of donut is this?”
She giggles. “You’ve never seen a donut and cookie mix?”
“No.” And I’m not really sure that I wanted to. But Cassidy’s eyes light up. I’ve perfected this really cool way to combine a strawberry donut and a chocolate cookie into this one dessert that is luscious.”
I nod. “That does sound good.”
“Here. Try one.”
I take it and eye it skeptically. “Bottoms up?” She says and my eyes glaze over with the first bite. It’s a strange mix of strawberry cake and chocolate cookie and it’s so delicious that I almost hunt up the batter and lick out the bowl.
“You can’t make too many of these or I’m going to weigh about three hundred pounds.”
I chuckle and look up at her. “Get used to it. I think you’re gonna be something big around here. Just you wait.”
Laughing lightly, I toss my hair back and take a bite of the pastry, moaning around the mouthful.
“I don’t know about that. You seem like you have a pretty good following and this thing is worth its weight in gold.”
“Thank you,” she smirks. “Franklin loves the damn things. He can eat at least a dozen at a sitting.”
“That’s a lot for one guy.”
She chuckles. “You’ve never seen my Franklin in person have you? He’s a big boy. He likes his food.”
The bell over the door rings and I turn with a smile on my face which quickly turns into a frown when I see who it is.
“Hank,” I murmur, my hand dropping to my lap.
“Katrina,” he growls and Cassidy’s eyes widen, her head ping-ponging back and forth like she’s watching a tennis match.
“What do you want?”
“A cup of coffee and a bit less attitude.”
“Fat chance on the attitude but we can get you some coffee.”
“Terrific. I’ll take mine with one of whatever you guys are having.”
Cassidy hops down and smirks. “You guys just keep on talking. I’ll get your food, Hank. You want that to go?”