Page 8 of Sweet on Her
Slamming my way into my house after my shift is over, I flop into my fucking favorite armchair, growling under my breath.
“I cannot believe I kissed that woman.” I’ve lost my mind. One minute I’m doing my job and rescuing a woman from what I thought was a burning building, the next time I’m able to think clearly, I’m dropping Katrina to her own toes, prying my lips off of her delectable mouth and staring at her golden gaze, stunned.
She swallowed and then all hell broke loose. And all I can think about now is how she felt against my body, the lush curves that didn’t feel exactly the same as the ones I remember but so much better.
I can remember what she looked like when we were young, but superimposed on that is what she looks like now. She’s a gorgeous woman with a snarky attitude that makes my body sit up and beg.
Slapping my forehead with my hand, I groan and put my head back, staring up at the ceiling. What am I going to do? I can’t fall under Kat’s spell again. It hurt too much when she ran away the last time. I’m not even leaving myself the option. I cannot do it again.
But she felt so damn good and it’s been so long since I felt the overwhelming rush of adrenaline and lust shoot right to my cock like that.
My cell phone rings and I sigh when I see that it’s my cousin. I pick it up and answer roughly. “What?”
He chuckles. “Little snarly, aren’t you? What happened with you and Kat? I came out of the damn building, which was covered in smoke from burnt cookies to find you and her squared up to each other like you were about to throw down. And yet you had her lipgloss smeared on your lips, man. Did you kiss her?”
“None of your business,” I grumble.
“It is my business if you’re planning on getting hooked up with her again. Look what happened to you the last time! You were a wreck! And then you met Ashleigh but I really don’t think you ever got over Kat. And years later, she still seems like she can drag you around by your balls.”
“Nice,” I groan. “Not that it’s any of your business but the fact is that I feel a bit out of sorts right now and it might be because I kissed her and she kissed me back. It might be because I mauled her like a damn jungle cat looking for its next meal and it might be that I just cannot forget the damn woman no matter how much I try.”
“You still love her.”
“I can’t. I do not have enough of a heart left in me to try again with another woman.” It’s true. I can’t even think about it. It’s too much pain and loss to try and push it aside and just sleep with her. I can already feel my poor, beleaguered body getting all wrapped up in her.
“You have a heart, cousin. You just never got it back from her and now you want to convince yourself that you’re all good but she’s standing there looking at you and you can’t look away no matter how much you try. Every damn move she makes just drives you crazy until she’s all you can think about. Morning, noon and night.”
“I cannot do it anymore. I just can’t.”
“You keep telling yourself that but you can’t stop it either. I’ve fucking tried,” he mutters under his breath.
“Who’s got you all tied up in knots?”
“You know who.”
“Ah,” I nod my head sagely. “The little witch.”
“Don’t call her that,” he snaps.
“I would never really mean it. That’s what everyone calls her.”
“Yeah, I know. But I can’t stand it.”
“You called her that for years.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have.”
“Are you getting soft in your old age?”
“You’re one to talk. We’re almost the same age, old man.”
“It’s nice that you recognize that you’re old.”
“Just like you.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s stop this. We’re both too old to be acting so messed up over a couple of girls.”
“She’s not just any girl but I don’t wanna talk about me right now. I want you to be careful. You don’t know how long that Kat is going to stay in town. Unless you think you can do the horizontal tango with her and walk away. Maybe get her out of your system finally.”