Page 1 of Saved By the Wolf
“Here’s to a new life,a new beginning, and a new start! To Jill!” Becca yelled from the top of the mountain.
It wasn’t really a mountain, per se. Really, it was just a hill, but it was the tallest one we could find on short notice. Up here, I felt like the queen of the world, and for the first time in a long time, I felt free.
“I’m scared, though,” I admitted to Becca.
“I know, sweetheart, but you deserve your freedom. You’ve had a horrible time. You know I’ve been trying to get you to break up with Wolfhound—or whatever he wants to be called these days—for the last two years. Now you’ve finally done it!”
“He wasn’t happy when I told him I wasn’t coming back. And his name’s Rich; only his goons call him Wolfhound,” I said, picking at my nails. They were chewed down to the skin; something Rich hated.
He was always on my case to take better care of myself—and not in the health department, but in the beauty department. He needed me as eye candy to impress his boys. My black hair and Taiwanese exotic looks made other people jealous, and Rich fed off that.
He had been charming at the beginning, taking care of my every need. It wasn’t until I moved into his place that he started being more controlling, showing more of who he really was. But by then, I couldn’t have escaped, even if I wanted to.
“If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be with him,” I said, looking up at Becca.
She put her arm around me. “But you’re not, and you’re never going back to him,” she said firmly.
“How did you do it, anyway? When I told him I wasn’t coming back yesterday, he just let me walk out of his place. Not one of his goons held me back. I was shaking all the way to my car, and even on the drive here.”
“I’m a lawyer, and I did some magic,” Becca said simply. “That’s all I’m going to say.” But her smirk said otherwise.
“You’ve got dirt on him, don’t you?”
“I can’t say.” Becca ran her hands through her bright red hair, then released a deep sigh. “I just don’t want to get you involved. The key right now is starting your life again.”
“All right,” I replied, able to see that she really did want the best for me. And after what she’d done to help me escape, it was the least I could do.
She gestured at the view, abruptly changing the subject. “You got enough fresh air? It’s getting chilly up here. I say we pack up this picnic and head back to the hotel where we can watch some episodes of Friends.”
I nodded eagerly. “That sounds like a great plan.”
“And tomorrow, we’ll meet with Brandon to look at a brand new place for you to start over.”
My heart raced with a mixture of nerves and excitement. “I hope Brandon knows I’m so thankful for what he’s done for me.”
“Sweetheart, he knows. Brandon and I kick butt in the courtroom. He was as invested in getting you out as I was.”
“But to also offer me a place in his family’s complex, way out from the city? That’s generous, Becca.”
She nodded. “Yes, but it’ll be a nice fresh start for you. It’s a small, quiet town—but not too small—and you’ll be free to go wherever you want. Just be sure to let me know if you have any issues; although, that’s highly unlikely as Brandon’s family owns the town. Oh, and by the way, I talked to Ray, Brandon’s cousin, and she’s excited to have you come and work with her at her floral shop.”
My jaw dropped.I had a job already?“Oh wow, that’s fantastic!” Then reality hit me, and I felt tears prick my eyes. “I can’t believe this. Not being locked in Rich’s place all day is going to take some getting used to. If you weren’t already my friend before I met him, and if you didn’t help me get out, I might have never seen another human again! Thank you, Becca.”
Becca pulled me into her arms and gave me a tight squeeze. “You’re going to be all right, Jill. I know it.”
“I hope so,” I mumbled, holding onto her tightly.
After a minute, Becca whispered into my ear. “It’s your turn to yell.”
I looked up at her with watery eyes and smiled. “You’re going to tell me it’s cathartic, right?”
“It sure is, and you know I’m not going to let you leave until you do.” Smiling, Becca turned me around to look at the view of my new home.
I squeezed her hand as I took in the sight, took a deep breath, and yelled out, “To my new life! To my new beginning! To me!” I was huffing by the last word but felt a small glimpse of hope worming its way into my heart.
“It’s good to see a genuine smile on your face again,” Becca said, hooking her arm through mine as we walked back to her car.