Page 25 of Saved By the Wolf
She whirled on me and said, “How dare you! If you weren’t Brandon’s brother, I’d throw a lawsuit on you so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you! How dare you keep my friend under lock and key!”
Brandon was now standing by my side and trying to calm Becca down. “Becca, I don’t think he knows what happened to Jill.”
This time I whirled on him. “What happened to Jill? And where were you all night?”
“I think Jill should tell you what happened herself, and last night I went to dinner with Becca like we told you.”
“That was hours ago!”
I saw an exchange of looks between Becca and Brandon and was about to follow up on that when Jill piped in.
“I’m right here, you know!” She made her way over to me. “What you’re doing to me right now is exactly what Rich used to do to me. He kept me under house arrest, never to see or talk to anyone out of pure jealousy.”
“That’s not—” I started, but she held up a hand to stop me.
“I’m not done yet. I’m leaving. I have work. That’s the end of our discussion.”
“She’s coming with me.” Becca put her arm around Jill and literally pulled her around me, while I stood there wondering what the heck was going on. My wolf was scratching at me to stop them and make Jill stay, but Brandon had a hand on my arm that I wasn’t going to escape from. Fine, I’d let her go, but Jill was a fool if she thought I wouldn’t continue to watch over her.
I signaled for Brent to follow the ladies, adding, “And find Damon to go with you.”
He nodded and headed for the stairs.
Brandon held onto me until we heard the elevator close and start heading down. I punched him as soon as he let me go. “What the heck, Brandon!” I exclaimed.
“That was uncalled for!” he said, taking a swing at me too. “We left you at the ball last night, only to wake up this morning to multiple phone calls from Jacob and Bruno that there had been an emergency, and Becca and I needed to come home immediately. I should be asking you what the heck happened?”
“And you should have been here earlier! You saw Jill. She’s all bruised and cut up! And we just found out who her ex is.”
Jacob had just come back and decided he wanted in on the conversation now. “Yeah! Rich is Pac! He’s been hiding right under our noses this whole time!”
Brandon got defensive very quickly after hearing this. “What . . . do . . . you . . . mean . . . Pac . . . has . . . been . . . hiding . . . under . . . our . . . noses?” He was breathing heavily, and it was my turn to put a hand on his arm in case he flew off his rockers.
Jacob backed up at seeing Brandon get fired up. Of all our brothers, Brandon was always the happy-go-lucky one. Nothing bothered him. Nothing except Pac. It was Brandon who was with Sandy the night Pac attacked her. But Brandon hadn’t been able to help her, because he had been knocked out from the very beginning. Sandy had been whisked away until our whole pack went and brought her back. Dad was never hard on Brandon because of what happened, but Brandon never forgave himself.
Keeping a steady hand on his arm, I said, “Brandon, Bruno has already gone to notify Dad. We’re getting the whole pack together now.”
“I knowyou two are behind us!” I called back, having seen Damon and Brent following at a distance. Being with Rich had taught me a thing or two about surveying my surroundings. Shop windows and car mirrors were my friends.
“Who’s behind us?” Becca asked. She turned to look, and sure enough, Damon and Brent were walking toward us, not bothering to stay hidden anymore now their ruse was up. “What in the world are you two doing here?” she demanded.
“We’re making sure Jill is safe,” Bruno explained.
“I’m perfectly fine, thank you very much. I do not need you two tailing me everywhere I go.” I hooked my arm through Becca’s for stability. I sounded braver than I thought I would.
Clearly, Damon thought so as well. “It doesn’t hurt to have us around. We don’t have to be near you. We’ll just follow at a discrete distance. I’m surprised you even knew we were here.”
“Years of my ex dodging people taught me some tricks.”
Damon and Brent exchanged a look. I didn’t know what that was about, and I didn’t want to know.
Brent started talking first. “Look, Luc will have our heads if we lose you and something happens. Please, just let us drive you to wherever you need to go, then we’ll disappear until you need to go somewhere else. You won’t even see us until then. And if you decide to walk, that’s fine, but know we’ll be tailing behind just to make sure you’re okay. That’s it. There’ll be no dictating where you can and cannot go, or how long you stay or what you do there.”
I eyed them. Surprisingly, Becca agreed with them. She pulled me aside and whispered, “I know I just saved you from Luc’s place, and I know they remind you of Rich and his gang, but I also know Brandon. These are his people, and they take care of each other. I trust him, and as Luc is his brother, I trust Luc too.”