Page 33 of Saved By the Wolf
Thankfully, Bubbie came out right then with two hot bowls ladled with food.
I looked at Luc and whispered, “We didn’t order.”
“No one orders here. You just sit and Bubbie feeds you.”
“Oh.” A smile crept across my face. I loved this.
“You two lovebirds; so sweet,” Bubbie said, looking at Luc and then me with the most loving eyes.
I focused my eyes on the food in front of us and breathed in a big whiff of the delicious smell. I really teared up this time. “This is amazing,” I said, looking up at Bubbie. “I haven’t had this in so long.”
A big smile crossed her face, and she nodded. “Luc said you might be missing some homecooked Taiwanese meals, so I made a big pot of beef noodle soup. It is my specialty.”
I was already picking up my chopsticks, and with my soup spoon in my other hand, I leaned in for my first bite. I heard Luc chuckle next to me, but that was the last I heard as the food was all-consuming.
When I finally came up to breathe, I saw Luc had already finished his meal and was talking with Bubbie off to the side. They looked so comfortable together, like grandmother and grandson. And the more I stared at them, the more I thought that might be true. I was about to ask them if they were when they both turned to me.
“You seemed to enjoy it,” Bubbie said, coming over to pick up my bowl.
“It was absolutely delicious. Reminded me of my mom’s.” This seemed to please her and made me smile. “I can get these,” I added. Standing, I picked up our dishes and asked her to direct the way.
She succumbed and showed me to the back where her kitchen was. It was immaculate, even though I knew how much time and mess it took to make this meal. Or maybe it was just me, as I tended to be messy in the kitchen.
“I love your kitchen.” I turned in small circles, admiring all its nooks and crannies. There were a number of recipe books, a huge island where I could see myself baking, and an array of cabinets that had my imagination starting to fill them with mixers, baking supplies, pots, and pans.
“Jill, come see this,” Luc said from the left.
I turned to see him opening what looked like a regular cabinet door, only to reveal a whole other room behind it! My jaw dropped. This was amazing!
Luc beckoned. “There’s more.”
That comment was the only reason I moved; I was too dumbstruck to do anything more.
Inside the room was yet another door that opened into a huge pantry. It was filled to the brim with food and baking supplies, as well as gadgets galore.
“Would you like to come back and help me with meals from time to time?” Bubbie asked, coming up behind us.
“Yes!” I said without thinking. “This would be a dream come true. I love cooking and baking, and I cannot believe the space you have here. You have your own industrial kitchen.”
“I did once own a restaurant. It’s what I’m used to.”
I blushed, remembering that now. Of course, she would require a space where she could have full access to what she used to have.
“But not today,” Luc said, putting a hand on the small of my back and ushering us out of the kitchen. We were outside again, saying bye to Bubbie before I could think about what was happening.
“Hey, I wanted to stay there for a bit longer,” I protested.
He smiled down at me. “And you can come back whenever you’d like—except for right this second, because I have a surprise for you.”
He bent down to kiss the top of my head, and it sent shivers down my back. My hand fit neatly into his as he guided me back to the front of the library and across the street to some iron gates that led into a dark alley.
I immediately let go of his hand, halting.
“It’s okay. It’s not what you think,” he assured me.
“I’d rather not, Luc.” I looked at him, and I could tell he was confused as to why I wasn’t following him.