Page 45 of Saved By the Wolf
The circle loosened, and Dad walked toward me. He kneeled down and looked me in the eye. “What did you say?”
I transformed back into a human and told him, “Miti.”
“Where is she?” he growled.
“Somewhere in a dark cell. She’s with my mate.”
Dad’s eyes widened, and I could tell there was no need for me to fight my way through anymore. I took advantage of the situation and walked toward the door.
“Which location are you headed to first?” Brandon called after me.
“The apartment by the hospital,” I said, already halfway to the elevator.
I heard the others dividing up the locations to search. Dad was giving instructions on finding underground openings. Pac was a tricky one. I’d make sure Dad wasn’t going to let him get away again.
I was sittingin the corner, rocking back and forth, with tears falling down my face. I couldn’t believe this was happening again. If Rich wanted to break me down before coming to see me, it was working. I was diving back into old habits—hiding away, experiencing feelings of defeat, and thinking of ways I could comply so that the beating he would soon deliver wouldn’t be that bad, if there ever was such a thing.
I felt a hand on my face, and I looked up to see Miti looking at me with clear, bright eyes. “It’s time.”
“What are we doing?” I whispered. My level of hope was running so low I didn’t think I could do whatever she wanted me to do.
“I need you to persuade them to open the door.”
“What?” I gasped. “They won’t even let us out to pee. How am I going to get them to open up the door?”
“You will think of a way. Dig deep, Jill.”
Those eyes would not lift from me, but one thing registered in my mind. “Do you remember me?”
“Of course, sweetheart. You’re the reason my Luc is smiling again.”
I gaped at her. “How do you know? You’ve only just met me.”
“It only took me one look at you on the day you arrived for me to know you’re the one for him. And Luc and I have a connection.”
“A connection?” It wasn’t the first time she’d said that. “Like you can talk to him?”
I just stared at her, trying to compute what she was telling me, but it didn’t make any sense. “How?”
“Not something for you to worry about now. Just know he’s coming. But we need to get out first so he can find us.”
Then another thought came, and as Miti was actually coherent this time, I had an opportunity to ask her. “Why are you here, Miti? Why is Rich interested in you?”
“He wanted you. He thought he could steal your keys from me, but he doesn’t know I don’t give things up easily. I will never hurt my family for anyone,” she said with determination. “And you are now family.”
“Need to find a way for them to open the door. Believe in yourself, Jill. The cell is all in your mind. You have the willpower to escape if you put your mind to it.”
Her hand was on mine, rubbing the back of it and sending warmth to my heart. Her touch made me feel loved, cared for, safe. Hope bloomed, and somehow, I started believing I really could do this. All I had to do was think of a solution . . . and I soon found that solution at my fingertips!
I gave Miti’s hand a squeeze and sent her a soft smile. Seeing the expression on my face, she let go of my hand. Determined, I looked around the cell, searching the dim interior. My gaze landed on the rib bones the guards had thrown at us over the past day. If I remembered the second guard correctly, he was easily provoked, and I had a bet he wanted to please Rich. A plan started forming in my mind.
I looked at Miti and said, “Here’s what we’re going to do.”