Page 8 of Saved By the Wolf
We heardthe song come on just as we finished fixing up our costumes. Both of us squealed and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and into the crowd. Everyone was laughing and looking at each other like they had walked into the wrong party, but Becca and I knew how to take care of the situation.
“Let’s go!” I cried out to her.
We both ran into the middle of the crowd and started jumping up and down. I wouldn’t say I knew how to dance but my body remembered how to have fun, especially to YMCA. Within a couple of minutes, a few more people joined us, and then a few more after that. About mid-way through the song the whole place was jumping up and down. It was fantastic. I let my inhibitions drift away for those five minutes and enjoyed the happy vibes that surged through me.
At one point I glanced toward the bar and saw Luc staring at me. I shot him a smile and waved at him to join us, but he didn’t budge. I shrugged and continued dancing.
When the music ended, I was sweating. I also felt the biggest smile on my face that I hadn’t exhibited in years.Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I stayed for just another song?
Becca interrupted my thoughts when she put a hand on my shoulder. “Jill, I want you to meet someone.”
I turned to see a very attractive man standing next to Becca. Tall and strong like Luc but not as intimidating. He exuded a relaxed air about him. The other thing I noticed was that he seemed unable to take his eyes off Becca, and his hand was slowly inching across her waist.
“Jill, this is Brandon,” Becca announced. “Brandon, this is my friend, Jill.”
“Oh my goodness!” I flung my arms around him and gave him a big hug.
A rumbling laugh emanated from deep within his chest. He hugged me back for a second before stepping back and extending his arm. “Hi, Jill. It’s great to finally meet you. You are looking well.”
I shook his hand and wondered why the formality when I felt, more than saw, someone walk up behind me. I turned to see Luc looking at Brandon and Becca. He was standing a bit close, but I somehow felt safer with him right behind me instead of intimidated. Brandon, on the other hand, seemed to have an amused look on his face.
“You two have never met before?” Luc asked Brandon, now looking between us.
How could he have heard us talking while standing over by the bar and with the music so loud?
“No, we haven’t,” Brandon said. I stiffened, thinking Brandon was going to tell Luc about my ex, but Brandon was clearly a gentleman as well as a good lawyer and didn’t say anything about that. “Becca needed help with some research, and I provided my expertise. That was all. There was no reason to meet face to face.”
I gave Becca a side look and saw that she couldn’t stop looking at Brandon. A light bulb went off in my head, and I kicked myself for being so slow at catching on. Brandon must be the guy she had a crush on, and by the way he was looking at her, the feeling was mutual. If he was the one she’d fallen for, he had better be good enough for her, because I was never going to let anyone hurt Becca.
“Let’s get you home,” Becca said, but I could hear the regret in her voice, and Brandon still hadn’t let go of her waist.
“Why don’t I take you home?” Luc suddenly announced. “I’m free.”
I grabbed the lifeline he offered, wanting nothing more than to make sure Becca had a good time—and a chance to see if what was between her and Brandon led anywhere. “Yes, please! After all, you know where I live,” I said to Luc with a big smile. Turning back to my friend, I said brightly, “Becca, you stay and have fun.”
“You sure?” she asked, her face now pinched with worry.
“Of course, I’m sure!” I said firmly and went to give her a hug. We held each other for a bit while the two men looked on.
“Thank you for dragging me out here. I had fun in the end,” I said to her quietly as I pulled away. I meant it. The dance and its associated happiness had jumpstarted something inside me, and I didn’t want to let it go. I hadn’t felt this happy in a very long time.
She smiled. “I’m so glad you came, but I’m also sorry for bringing you here and triggering all those memories.”
“Don’t be sorry! Dancing to YMCA more than made up for it. Enjoy your time tonight, Becca. I want to hear all about it later on.”
“You too,” she said, leaning in close again to give me another hug. “And don’t go straight home. See if he wants to take you for ice cream or something,” she whispered into my ear.
“What?” she shot back. “He’s cute, and I know you like him.” She pulled back with a smirk.
“Okay, well I’m leaving,” I said, turning away from her quickly. “Luc, let’s go.” I started heading toward the door.
But Becca grabbed me from behind and whispered in my ear, “Just think about it.”
She flitted away to dance with Brandon, and I found Luc looking down at me with a question in his eyes. Did he hear what Becca said? Hmm, it was best to keep moving and play ignorant.
The crowd was so packed I had a hard time pushing through. Luc noticed and got in front of me, creating an opening with his body, and I followed behind him all the way to the entrance.