Page 14 of Loved By the Wolf
A couple of days later,I got up the nerve to call Jill. As soon as she answered, a loud buzzing noise came firing down the line, and I had to hold the phone away from my ears.
There came a lull moments later, and I quickly said, “Is that the house project? How’s it going?”
“As good as it’s going to get.” She sighed. “I wish I was at your place right now so I could get away. The testosterone levels exuding from all these guys is next level. It could bury me alive.”
I laughed. “You’re always welcome here.”Better here than there so I didn’t have to see Brandon.
There was another pause, and I wondered if she was still there. “Jill?”
“Yeah, sorry. You better tell me the reason why you called real quick because I see them going back to sawing again.”
Which meant it was time to drop the bombshell. “I broke up with Brandon,” I blurted out.Was that the right word? We weren’t even dating.
“What?” Her scream came in so loud I had to hold the phone away from my ear again. While sticking a finger in my ear to try and wake it back up, she added, “You can’t do that! Brandon—”
“I had to, Jill. He doesn’t want to be with me, and I can’t take it anymore.”
“But he cares about you so much, Becca!”
“How do you know that? Has he said that to you?”And if he did, why wouldn’t he say it to me?
There was a pause before Jill said, “He took care of you when everyone else was searching for me.”
“It’s not enough anymore, Jill.”What was she not telling me? “I asked him again . . .”
“To be your boyfriend?”
“Yes. He told me he wasn’t interested. Jill, he told me no.” I stuffed my hand into my mouth to keep a sob from escaping. “Why am I always in the friend zone? What am I doing wrong?”
The sound of saws starting up covered any response Jill tried to give. When it was silent again, she said, “Becca, we are going to talk about this more. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Just don’t do anything rash, okay?”
“Jill, there’s nothing to talk about. I want what you and Luc have, and Brandon isn’t the man to give that to me.”
A groan came over the phone, and I heard Luc come up and ask her what was wrong.
“Becca asked Brandon to be her boyfriend, and he said no again,” Jill said in a rush.
A series of expletives came out of Luc’s mouth, and I heard him yelling for Brandon. I panicked. “Jill! Please don’t let Luc confront him. I don’t want there to be a scene.”
“I’ll try, but Brandon is an idiot. He—”
“I’m going to let you go now,” I said quickly, cutting her off.
“No, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
I hung up and lay back on the couch and squished a pillow over my face.Iwas the idiot. Brandon had always been clear about his intentions, while I’d wanted more. We were so good together. I didn’t understand his reasoning, but I couldn’t keep hanging on, not if I wanted to start a family of my own.
“You’rethe biggest flopping idiot I’ve ever known!” Luc said, coming toward me.
“Now what did I do?”
“You said no to Becca!”
Luc’s eyes were shining bright. He looked ready for a fight. And I was ready to give it to him if he was going to ask for it.