Page 27 of Loved By the Wolf
“Yes, of course.” I couldn’t think straight. Everything happening right now was what I wished Brandon would have done, but it wasn’t, even though his unique smell was confusing me by overriding every thought in my mind. It was bizarre. “Millie said to meet at Le Pont at seven. Want to pick me up at six-thirty?”
“Sounds like a date. I’ll see you later tonight.”
I watched as he walked away. All of a sudden, I was filled with excitement and hurried to the bathroom to have my soak. I had some thinking to do before Thomas picked me up tonight.
I’d trackedBecca all week. She’d gone from home to work and back again every single day. Her boss had been praising her all week, telling anyone who would listen that she was putting in the time and effort of three people. Remembering that boast, I slammed the hammer into the nail harder than I needed to. The thought of her working herself like this was driving me crazy. She needed to go out and have fun. She needed to be doted on. Luc had been hounding me all week to go down and see her, but I had told her I wouldn’t bug her anymore. And that was one thing I did—I kept my word. Besides, after how I’d hurt her, the last person she wanted to see was me.
“You’re going to break my table if you keep going on like that,” Luc growled.
I gave him a look before going back to putting nails in the dining room table Jacob, Bruno, and I had built for him.
“Why don’t you take the weekend off and go say hi to her?”
“I told you already,” I growled.
“That’s a bunch of BS, and you know it. She’s pining for you. The two of you are stubborn as mules.”
“I just need to know she’s safe and that’s it. Plus, she told me I already broke her. Why would I want to go and do more damage?”
Luc just shook his head, grabbed a hammer, and started helping me. But I pushed him away. “This is a gift for you. Go do something else.”
“No thanks,” he said and continued hammering.
I pushed him again. “I said go do something else.”
This time, Luc growled and gave me a look.
“What’s going on here?” Jacob said, walking up to us with Bruno trailing behind.
“None of your business,” I said, seeing Luc wave them off. That wave irritated me more than it probably should have, but that was all it took for me to pounce on him. Next thing I knew, I was pounding him into the ground. Every hit was the release of a frustration that had been lingering in me for so long that it felt like I was sending off an old friend with each punch. And for every hit I gave, Luc gave one right back.
I tried to shift to get the upper hand, but my wolf was still mad at me. My canines came out, though, and I was able to sink my teeth into Luc’s arm right when he did the same to me. The taste of blood stopped us both, and that moment was all it took for Jacob to sit on top of me and for Bruno to do the same to Luc. Next thing I knew, Dad was in our faces, yelling at us both.
“You’re twenty-five and twenty-six years old and still fighting like pups!”
“It’s what you and your brother would still do today if he was here,” we heard Mom say from behind him.
A low growl came from Dad at Mom’s teasing, and I wanted to chuckle, but my arm hurt too much. Jacob’s weight was also making it difficult to breathe.
“Alia!” Dad growled. “Go find Julian so he can look at the boys’ arms.”
“I’ll try to find him,” Mom said, turning in the direction of the doctor’s house.
“What do you mean?” Dad growled.
“I mean he disappeared again this morning. A couple of sentries were also hurt. I’m worried something might have happened to him.”
Dad’s chest rumbled. “Find Rocco first before you head over to Julian’s then. Don’t go looking for him by yourself,” he said, giving Mom a pointed look.
I heard Mom huff and mumble under her breath about being able to take care of herself, but as she walked away, I wished she hadn’t. We were all under Dad’s wrath now.
Dad pulled me to my feet, dislodging Jacob in one move. Doing the same to Luc, he dragged the two of us by our injured arms to his house, where he plunked us down at the kitchen table.
“Start talking,” he growled. “Brandon, you have been acting out of sorts all week. I heeded Luc’s warning to leave you alone. He told me he was dealing with you, but it’s clear that’s not working.” He gave Luc a hard stare. Luc, to his credit, did not back down, though I could feel the bristle of anger wafting off him.
“There’s nothing to say,” I said.