Page 34 of Loved By the Wolf
I took a step back. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
“You don’t?” He actually looked hurt. “I guess the surgeon did a better job than I thought. I made some modifications to my face since the last time you saw me.”
Now I was really confused. I tried to move toward the car again, but the man blocked my way. Why was Thomas not helping me?
“Who do you think I am?” the man now asked.
“I really don’t have a clue,” I said, still trying to move away from him.
I yelped, jumping at the sudden anger in his tone and almost slid down the dune. I heard a door slam shut and footsteps approaching.Please let it be Thomas. This man is scaring me. Why did Thomas leave?
“Boss, do you need some help?” a deep voice called.
“I already told you what to do,” the man growled. His eyes seemed to shine orange for a split second, and a shudder ran through me.
“He’s already taken care of,” the new voice replied.
What did he mean ‘he’s already taken care of’?“Where’s Thomas?” I asked.
“Thomas did what he was told to do. Now, you need to be a good girl and come with us,” said the strange man.
I shook my head. “You still haven’t told me who you are.”
“Oh, my apologies, where are my manners? I’m Pac.”
“Pac? Sorry, I don’t know anyone named—”
“Or Rich. That was how you knew me.”
At the sound of the name, I went rigid.It couldn’t be.Brandon said he took care of Rich. Jill was free.
“I can see your mind working overtime. It’s a pity I must get rid of you, Becca. The way you and Brandon worked to get Jill out from under me was the work of someone I’d love working for myself. But you’ve joined the wrong side, sweetheart. You’ve joined those who think they’re better than everyone else. They say they take in underdogs, but really, they take them in just for face value. There is no meaning behind the word ‘family.’ Trust me, I know.”
The last two words had come out with so much spite that I backed up a bit faster. But no matter how fast I moved, Pac was there, right in front of me. I tried to look around him to see if Thomas was coming, but he kept blocking my way.
“Thomas isn’t coming for you. No one is,” he said firmly. “Not even your precious Brandon. Remember, you left him? Left him to wither and die.”
“What? No, I didn’t! And what do you mean that Thomas isn’t coming? What did you do to him?”
“Oh, he’s only stunned. He’ll wake up after you’re long gone. I don’t believe in killing when it’s not necessary. Though, if Thomas interferes, he won’t be living long.”
I was horrified by the man in front of me and almost turned to run, but instinct told me I needed to keep an eye on him at all times. I could feel the slope of the dune start to level out a bit and knew I was near the entrance.
“You don’t know what Brandon is, do you?” Pac—or Rich—suddenly said.
“What he is?” I repeated, more than a little bewildered. “Of course, I do. He’s a better man than you’ll ever be.”
This elicited a laugh so hard from Pac that he bent over, clutching his stomach. I took the chance to bolt and ran toward the ocean. To do what, I had no idea; it’s not like I could jump in and swim away to safety.
But like before, Pac was on me in seconds.How is he doing that?He slammed me into the ground. My cheek hit the sand so hard it felt like sandpaper was brushing against my skin, and I just managed to squeeze my eyes tightly before any sand could get into them.
“You’re not going anywhere, my pretty one. I learned my lesson from Jill, so you’re coming with me. You’re staying in the house where I can keep a close eye on you.”
His hands were icy cold, and I shivered, but before I could break away, I felt more hands circling around my ankles and legs. I was carried a short distance before I was thrown onto the back seat of a car. Rope soon encircled my ankles and midsection before being tied around my wrists. A gag was placed in my mouth before my brain could register to scream. I was shaking hard when a black covering went over my head. In the next second, the car come to life, and my heart slammed against my chest.
What was happening? And what did they do to Thomas?