Page 37 of Loved By the Wolf
It wasn’t Dad who called back, though, when I answered on the first ring. “Jill? What is it?”
“What do you mean Becca was taken by Pac? What the heck, Brandon!”
I had to hold the phone away from my ears. Thomas even leaned away, shooting me a worried look. “I should have told you sooner,” I said hurriedly, “but it’s not important now. What’s important is—”
“Is you catching me up on what the heck is going on right now!” she cut in.
I was about to protest when I heard Dad come on the phone. “You’re on speaker, son. We need to be updated so we know what’s going on before we can go in to save Becca.”
I hadn’t realized until then how much I needed Dad and the rest of my pack behind me. I’d thought I could solve my own problems. I’d been such a dunst.
I sighed and started telling them about the letter Pac sent me. Dad never said a word, but I could feel his anger emanating through the phone. Even here, my wolf was cowering in front of him.
When I was done, there was a brief silence before Dad spoke up. “You’ve been working too closely with humans and you let your pride get the better of you. You forget you’re part of a pack. We work together, son. We have each other’s backs.” His voice rumbled through the line as though he was standing right in front of me.
I realized then I’d let Dad down, but most importantly, I’d let the pack down.
Thank goodness Jill piped up. “I know where he took her.”
“You do?” I heard a crack and looked at my hand to see I had squeezed the phone so tight the edges had cracked.Two in one night!I looked at Thomas, who just shrugged. How could he be so calm? “Well, where is she?”
“She’s at Pac’s house.”
“How many houses does he have?”
“Too many to keep track of,” she replied. “But he has one in the Mission. Really proud of that one, too, because he has secret places inside where he can lock up those he doesn’t like.” Her voice had gotten quiet near the end.
Dad’s voice came on the line. “Jill will give us the address when she can, and I’ll text it to you.”
“How does she know for sure Becca is there?”
Jill said, “I know she’s there. He won’t make the same mistake twice, either. He’ll be watching over her himself this time, I’m sure of it.”
“Yes, I agree,” Dad said. “Son, you go and scout out the place for us before we get there. And do not let yourself be seen or scented.”
“Like I would do that,” I seethed.
“Don’t get smart with me, Brandon.” There was some muffled conversation in the background before he came back on the phone and added, “Dredge and Luc are already on their way. The rest of us will be following soon. We’ll get Becca back, son, I promise. Now go and scout out the place so we know what we’re up against.”
“Your dad’s the alpha?”Thomas asked.
“Yeah. We live in a small town called Sugarville, an hour away from Crystal Lake where Becca was living—and I guess where you live too.”
“You do know I hadn’t realized she was in love with you or that you two were mated until just now?”
“We’re not—”
Thomas gave me the most incredulous look. “But you just said—”
“I know what I said to my family. It’s a long story.”
“I see. You’re acknowledging she’s your mate now?”
“Yes,” I growled. “No more questions. We’re almost there.”
We parked five blocks from the address and walked among the crowds of people going out to dinner. My heart was pumping. It would take Dredge and Luc at least three hours to get here—two and a half if they were driving fast, which I wouldn’t discount. What was I going to do while they got here? Just look around the house? Then sit at the local ice cream parlor and twiddle my thumbs until they came? Did Dad really believe I would last that long?