Page 16 of Merciless Protector
This wasn’t the first time I’d been in this situation. I could survive this. I’d done it before. I could endure again. It would have been easy to succumb to the nightmare that wanted to bubble out of my subconscious. It wouldn’t do me any good. So, I took precious seconds to push it back into the shadows.
Shawn’s face popped into my head. Though my personal Superman couldn’t save me, thinking of him did bring a beacon of light into the darkness that was heavy in my heart.
Finally calmer, I tugged my arms to see if there was any way I could set myself free. Metal dug into my skin around my wrist. It was no use. The frame was sturdy, so I stopped as to not waste energy. I was well and truly fucked.
This had been a possibility. I’d accepted my superior’s claim that my little experience didn’t justify my worries about what Ruin could do. No one had expected to find Ruin at any of the clubs I visited. They wrongfully assumed, against my assessment of the man, that I would be told to come back or meet Ruin at another location at another time. They didn’t think I’d be taken on the spot, though they had agreed to cover all exits.
Likely, what happened was my phone had been placed in the van based on the woman suggesting that if I’d brought company, they would follow it. That would have given them the diversion they needed to drive away with me in the trunk of the sedan.
Since I did not know how long I’d been out, they could have waited hours before they left. Of course, they would have had to drug me with something else. If they had pricked me with a needle while out, I wouldn’t know.
At this point, I considered calling out. Yet, if I could be heard by strangers, they would have covered my mouth. Before I could contemplate the pros and cons of such an act, I heard the unmistakable sound of locks turning. There were likely cameras in the room, especially given the little-girl decor. The pictures of bears and princesses on the pink-colored wallpaper were something I hadn’t wanted to consider. Because that meant acknowledging what this room was for.
The door opened and in walked the monster I’d wanted to slay. Gone was the dyed-blond hair. In its place was a messy mop of brown hair going every which way, yet still worked for him.
“Pet,” he said and came and sat on the bed beside me. My skin crawled like maggots covered them. “You asked, and I’m here. Tell me why.”
I didn’t mistake the placid smile on his evil yet handsome face. I licked my dry lips and began to give a speech I’d rehearsed in my head.
“I missed you,” I said shakily. The tremor in my voice wasn’t faked. If I didn’t convince him of my sincerity, he would kill me, but not before he made me wish for death. “I missed—” I turned away like I was embarrassed. “I missed that feeling. I can’t explain it, but I can’t find it on the outside. I tried things, but nothing worked. I missed—” I tugged at my bindings as if I wanted to show him but couldn’t. “I need—“ I glanced away again and tears spilled from my eyes. They weren’t faked, either. I thought of Shawn then.
He placed his hand high on my leg. I didn’t flinch, even as he slipped his fingers between my legs and stroked my core. “You want to be used?”
It took everything in me not to clench my teeth or gag. I nodded instead. He shoved my legs apart so he could gain better access. “Have you been with anyone else besides him?” He asked with a sneer.
There was so much emphasis on that last word I didn’t know what to make of it. Was he jealous of Shawn, or was that a warning to me that he would be pissed if I had been? I answered honestly, “No.”
A slow smile spread across his face. “Good girl.”
His fingers were probing my opening when someone came in. “Boss,” the man said.
The guy didn’t look like the bruisers Ruin usually handled. This one was much younger and clean-cut. His eyes traveled between Ruin and me. It was easy to read that he wasn’t happy where Ruin’s hand was. Likely, he was Ruin’s latest toy. To Ruin, boys were toys, and girls were pets. Usually, the boys were willing, and the girls weren’t. Either that, or he mind-fucked the boys more. Both were usually young or had the look of it.
“What?” Ruin snapped but didn’t look back at the guy.
“You have a call.” Ruin’s expression grew dark, and even though the guy couldn’t see it, he rushed on and added, “It can’t wait.”
Ruin turned with eyes that smoldered with promises I hoped he didn’t keep and said, “I’ll be back.”
I took a chance and said, “Will he?” Ruin’s eyes narrowed in response. I hurried on and said, “He does own me, right?”
It was a gamble. I still hadn’t been able to find out anything about Shawn. The men that had bought the girls had all been caught, and the girls rescued. That was in the report in the FBI database I’d been able to find. That report didn’t mention Shawn at all. I’d gone through the mug shots of all the men arrested, and nothing.
Because the arrest began locally, I was able to read their report as well. There was a mention of a man found with me, but nothing more. When I’d brought up the op to the special agent in charge, I’d asked if anyone had been undercover. He’d said emphatically no, there hadn’t. It fit, as the FBI wasn’t first on the scene. In fact, according to the report from the local cops, an anonymous tip had been called in. Minutes later, the FBI received the same tip.
It would be hard to see it had been an FBI op if they got a tip they acted on. Yet it didn’t make sense. Shawn had tried to save me. My therapist wagered that I’d been so desperate to be saved I’d made Shawn into a hero. Because I’d wanted to be cleared for duty, I’d eventually agreed with her assessment.
Ruin got up and said nothing. His expression, however, said it all. He wasn’t happy and left the room. The door clicked shut, and the lock snapped into place.
Bringing up Shawn might have been a mistake, but I felt as though it was my only chance. My gut told me he was the help I needed. However, I wasn’t giving up hope that I could save myself. The truth of it was, as much as I wanted to put Ruin away for life, I also needed just as many answers about Shawn, the man that plagued my dreams.
A double-tap knock at the door brought me awake. I sat up and scrubbed a hand over my face before I stood up and traversed to the door.
As if Griff could sense me, he said, “It’s me,” through the door.