Page 40 of Our Sweet Revenge
“You know shit about him. That’s why you needed to pick your jaw from the floor after Ant and I told you what he was really like.”
His words rang true. By now, I should have acknowledged how little I knew of the real Chris. After so many years of friendship, it felt like a personal failure on my part.
I rubbed my face, feeling like I was fighting a losing battle. “Whatever you’ve got planned, we can’t undo it afterward. There’s no going back.”
“I ain’t planning on going back.” Jay put down the drinks and turned to me slowly. “I’ve waited a long time for this.” He took a step toward me, causing my muscles to tense. “I’mthisclose to getting even with that motherfucker, and I won’t let your doubts take this away from me.” He put his hands on my shoulders. “I need you with me on this. Anthony needs you as well. I can’t do this without my wingman.”
I let out a tight breath as defeat settled in. “You need to be honest with me about what you’re planning to do.”
“It’s simple.” His lips stretched into a smile. “I’m going to remind him what he really is—a pathetic little bitch.Ourpathetic little bitch.”
Before I had a chance to process his words, Jay picked up the drinks and went back into the living room.
Our pathetic little bitch.
I went to the sink and washed my face with cold water, but it did nothing to calm me down.Get a hold of yourself. He only meant it as a figure of speech.Although I couldn’t remember ‘pathetic little bitch’ being used as a figure of speech.
A bit dazed, I stepped out into the living room where the three people closest to me were sitting together while being miles apart. Chris had his jaw and shoulders set tight, while Anthony had his arms crossed; his expression impossible to read. Jay took some chips and placed them in front of him so he could join the game.
“How’s life?” Jay asked Chris.
Chris seemed startled by the direct question, but hurried to say, “I’ve been busy.” His tone implied he didn’t want to elaborate.
I sat down facing Anthony but could tell Chris was giving me the stink eye. He was facing Jay, which was how Jay had instructed me to arrange it.
“You’re moving up in that firm of yours?” Jay asked and started shuffling the cards.
“You can say that.”
“Come on,” Anthony said, surprising us all. “Chris just made partner. He’s top dog now.”
“Partner?” Jay whistled while spreading the cards between us.
“Junior Partner,” Chris said. “It’s no big deal.”
“It is,” I said. “You know it is.”
Chris shrugged, but it was accompanied by a faint smile. His ego had always been his weak point, although he would never admit it. I assumed that growing up an orphan, you didn’t get many chances to have your ego stroked.
“So… how have you been doing?” Chris asked Jay, sounding hesitant as though defusing a bomb.
“Taking it one day at a time. Working with my brother at his garage. I have another six months of probation to complete, then I’ll be officially free to get myself in trouble like any other American.”
Chris chuckled, but it felt forced. “Well, either way, you’re looking good.”
“Thanks, man. Appreciate that. How’s the wife?”
“She’s great. Still shops too much for crap we don’t need, but I’ve given up on trying to make her stop.”
“Happy wife, happy life,” Jay said with a wink.
“Yeah, true. Anyway, she’s the best mother I could have hoped for, and the twins adore her.”
“You’ve got photos of the little ones?”
Chris blinked in surprise, and I did the same. Whatever game Jay was playing, he seemed committed to his role.