Page 22 of Rescue Me
Evan hears the suspicion in my voice and turns around again. "He heard me let the dogs out," he says. "Sorry to disturb you two. Hope you slept okay."
I blink slowly. "Uh...yeah. I slept great."
Evan winks at me and my insides go all warm and fuzzy--but Alex doesn't notice a thing. He's too distracted by the puppy to realize it when I walk up next to Evan and look down at the stove.
"You cook?" I ask with a smile.
"Sure do," Evan murmurs. "AndI'm charming--or so I hear."
I want to touch him so badly--to run my hand down his spine, to kiss him good morning.
I want this life.
And more than anything, I don't want to lie to my son.
I glance over my shoulder to see Alex running around with the dogs, totally distracted. I guess he's not feeling betrayed...but I still want to tell him.
"He doesn't know?" I whisper.
Evan shakes his head. "I snuck out like a thief in the night as soon as the sun rose. He got up a little while after and asked for pancakes it is."
"No questions?"
"No questions," Evan confirms. He looks back at him. "He's a good kid."
My heart swells with pride in my son, and at the idea that they're getting along. It's way too soon to even suggest anything along these lines, but I like this. I like having Evan here, I like him cooking for my little family in the morning.
This could be ours.
"Got plans today?" he asks.
"I'm supposed to go to work at the shelter," I reply. "Alex usually goes and plays at Chance and Tasha's while I'm there."
"Oh, cool," Evan says. "You want to just drop me off there too? I can spend some time with the two of them and their kid."
I smile. "I'd love that."
Evan should be with his family...and I like him spending time with Alex.
"So what do I do?" Alex calls out from the living room. It startles me a little; I didn't even know he was listening. "Should I put on real pants?"
I laugh. "You just take your pancakes and try not to burn yourself," I tell him. "Food's ready."
He comes running in and tries to grab a pancake without even picking up a plate, but I stop him and give him a plastic plate instead. I help him through the whole process of buttering the pancakes, then heaping syrup on, making sure he doesn't go overboard before he sits down at the table.
"Evan's been a great helper this morning, hasn't he?" I ask. "Can you say thank you?"
"Thank you, Evan," Alex says through a mouthful of pancake.
"Manners," I chide him.
"You're very welcome," Evan grins as he sits down with us. "Pancakes happen to be my specialty."
"What else do you know how to make?" Alex asks. "Will you cook for us again?"
Ido notwant to confuse him...but Evan makes it so easy, just slipping into our lives like he was always here. He gives me a look to make sure it's okay, and I sigh.
"Well?" I say.