Page 38 of The Wedding Bargain
I frown, sitting straight up in surprise. "Wait--why didn't you wake me up?"
"Because like I said, he came to talk tous," she says. "Your father and I."
"I'm...really confused," I mutter, rubbing my eyes. "Why?"
"Because he wanted to ask us for our permission to propose."
My head spins at her words, my eyes blinking rapidly. "I...but he didn't answer my calls--"
"Apparently his phone died," she says. "Silly boy."
I reach over and snatch my phone up, skimming over my notifications. There are at least ten texts from Finn, and a few missed calls--all after I went to bed. I guess I put my phone on silent.
Classic miscommunication.
I was such an idiot.
"I have to talk to him," I say, looking from my phone up at my mom. "I mean--what did you say?"
She smiles. "We said yes, of course. We don't control your actions; if he wants to ask, he is welcome to ask."
I nod, feeling a rush of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, and a little fear all bubble up inside me. "I don't just need to talk to him...I need to see him."
"Of course, dear," she says, patting my shoulder. "But first, why don't you get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast first? He asked us to keep it a secret, and your father is makingjianbing."
I manage a small smile, grateful for her efforts to make me feel better. "Thanks, Mom."
As she stands up, I notice something on her face--a hint nostalgia and wistfulness. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh, nothing," she says with a small smile. "I just...remember when your father proposed to me, you know. It was such a happy time. We didn't know what we were doing--didn't know what it was like to be anything but friends--but it was such an adventure learning to fall in love."
I force myself to get out of bed and leave my phone behind for now, giving her a hug. "I know. And I'm sure this will be, too."
She squeezes me back. "I'm sure, too. Now let's get some breakfast."
I head down the stairs, the scent of jianbing wafting through the air. Dad is at the stove, flipping pancakes with ease. He glances up and gives me a smile.
"Good morning, sleepyhead. Sleep okay?"
I nod, taking a seat at the table. "Yeah. Well, sort of."
He raises an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"
I hesitate for a moment, wondering how much to share with my dad. But he's always been there for me, and I trust him completely.
"I...had a fight with Finn," I admit. "But apparently, he came to talk to you last night?"
Dad smiles. "Yes, he did. He asked for our permission to propose to you."
I can't help but grin at that. " told me you said yes?"
"Of course we did," he says, placing a plate of jianbing in front of me. The crepes smell delicious, just what I need after a night spent sobbing alone in my bed...and the fuel I need for the day ahead. "We know how much he cares about you."
"You didn't ever act that way with Steven," I murmur.
Mom shrugs. "Stevennever spoke to us about asking for your hand."
"Well, Finn isn't Steven," I say, my voice a little sharp. "He's different. He's better."