Page 18 of Fighting the Pull
I was breathing heavily, I vaguely noticed it, but I couldn’t stop.
“Tomorrow,” he said. “My place. Nine. And I’m renting this space for you, and you’re going to move your ass into it, because you won’t want to find out what’ll happen if you don’t.”
He was done with me then, I knew, because he walked out of the studio, the suite, and he took the real estate woman with him.
He was sittingin one of the armchairs, and they were clipping the mic on his sweater.
But even if they were fawning all over him, and right up in his space, it was like there was no one there, even though their living room was filled with people and lights and cameras, and there were cords snaking all over the floor.
Hale knew how that felt. To be there and not to be there.
He stood in the shadows of the doorway that led to the cliff as the busyness happened all around him.
Some woman in headphones, carrying a clipboard and wearing an Oasis t-shirt caught sight of him and smiled.
She then turned to his father and called, “You have a good-looking boy, Mr. Szabo.”
His father’s head twitched, he looked up and around the room in what seemed like confusion.
“Sorry?” he asked.
“Your son,” the woman said.
“My son?”
He’d have to ask.
His dad started to look for him, but before he could find him, Hale ducked backwards out the door and disappeared.
* * *
It wassix thirty in the morning, and Hale was slugging back a smoothie in preparation to hit the treadmill, when Elsa texted.
It would be a lot healthier for his peace of mind if he could ignore why he not only didn’t hesitate to read the text, he didn’t waste time in picking up his phone to do it.
But he wasn’t that guy. He didn’t fool himself about anything.
It came as a surprise, but he couldn’t deny after being in her presence the last couple of days, he wanted her.
That was about her white-blonde hair and ice blue eyes. It was about her flawless skin. Her ample ass and tits.
It was about the fact he’d tower over her if she wasn’t in heels.
She couldn’t be more than five foot five. Hale got off on domination in any form, at least sexually, and that was definitely part of it. If they were in a relationship, he’d have that kick every second he was with her, being physically overpowering for her, and she’d have it too.
But mostly it was just about Elsa.