Page 48 of Fighting the Pull
This I did.
“I guess you got what you wanted,” he said in that same awful voice, and at his tone and his words, I couldn’t stop my flinch. “Take care of yourself.”
“You as well,” I replied blandly.
He stared at me a second, as if giving me the chance to stop him.
I remained silent.
Then he walked out of my office.
The way he did it, without looking back, I knew he’d also just walked out of my life.
And that hurt, way more than it should.
Two days later…
I walkedinto the office and the first thing I saw was Zoey beaming.
The second thing I saw was an extraordinary bouquet of pink sweetheart roses, pink carnations and pale-yellow floribunda roses sitting on the corner of my desk.
The Hale interview was dropping that evening at six o’clock eastern time.
And I hadn’t been wrong, except that no one had yet seen it, and still, it was going to be even bigger than I expected.
Excitement was at a fever pitch. My agent was turning down requests left and right for an advanced look at the interview. New offers were being hinted, including adding me to the cast of prominent women’s chat shows and even giving me slots on network morning programs. And needless to say, she was sharing that the numbers of the current offers that we were negotiating needed to be reconsidered, and no one was balking.
I figured the flowers were from my dad (and mom). Communication had been strained since Hale and I left their house. I hadn’t heard word one from my brother, but I hadn’t really connected with Mom and/or Dad because I’d been busy with the move, work and promoting this interview.
I hit my office and picked up the note that came with the flowers which was resting at the base of the vase on my desk.
“I’m sorry, I looked. I probably shouldn’t have. They were just so gorgeous, I had to know who sent them,” Zoey, who’d come to stand in the door of my office, said.
I glanced over my shoulder at her. She was still beaming.
I opened up the card.
It read,
You’re going to knock them dead.
A shiver swept over my skin.
Oh God.
“He’s pure class,” Zoey noted in as dreamy a tone as a girl from the Bronx could utter.
“Hmm,” I replied.
“I gotta run out and get stuff for tonight. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” she went on.