Page 88 of Fighting the Pull
It wasn’t lost on him that she didn’t get ticked about him saying she didn’t give a shit about him.
“I’m not him. I didn’t do…whatever it is he did to you. I’m me. Your son. And I’m sick and tired of you treating me like I did something to you when Ididn’t.”
“You’re cruising straight to being grounded for spring break, Hale, if you don’t shut your mouth right now.”
“I don’t really care. You’re not gonna make an effort. So what do I care? There won’t be anything to do or anybody to do it with anyway.”
She threw an arm toward the vast picture windows that showed a view of the sprawl of LA. “You have an entire city to do cool things in.”
“Yeah, but I want to do cool things with my dad. That’s your beef. That’s your problem. That’s your damage. It’salwaysyour damage.”
“Your father is a piece of shit.”
“And have a look at this fun discussion, Mom, and tell me what my mother is?”
She gasped.
He stormed off.
He was grounded that spring break.
But it didn’t matter.
There was nothing to do and no one around to do it with anyway.
* * *
The front deskcalled to tell him his guest had arrived and was heading up in the elevator.
So Hale was walking that way when the doors opened and Elsa came out wearing a sweater dress that did things to his dick, a coat over it, boots with four-inch heels that he also felt in his dick, and carrying a bag in her hand, the promise of which did even more things to his dick.
Yeah, his mind was one-track. But it had been a while since he’d gotten some, she was sexy as fuck and their makeout sessions on Sunday were just enough for the time, but not near enough for how much he wanted her and how long it was turning out he’d had to wait to have her.
“Hey,” he greeted, and her gaze came to him.
He felt his step falter when he saw the expression on her face.
“Hey,” she said tonelessly.
When he arrived at her, she tilted her head back perfunctorily for him to touch his lips to hers.
This he did then took her bag from her hand.
She wandered in, her tote still hanging off her shoulder, her coat still on, and then she stopped and stared at the view.
“It’s better than I imagined,” she said in that weird voice.
He dropped her bag by the couch and asked, “Everything okay?”
She turned to him and shared, “I need to buy a new couch.”
And then she lost it.
Dropping her head and covering her face with her hands, he heard her wracking sob, and it rocked so deep, he felt it too.
Swiftly, he went to her, pulled her purse off her arm, tossed it on the sofa, then guided her there. He gently tugged her down on it, going with her and tucking her close as he stroked her hair with one hand and held her tight with the other arm, urging, “Get it out.”