Page 11 of Unleashing Kokou
“I want you to speed up, Daniel.” She instructed me. “When I tell you to, I want you to wrench the steering to the left while pulling up the hand-brake.”
“Don’t ask questions.” She shouted. “I’ll explain later.”
I shoved my foot down on the gas.
“Now!” She screamed.
I followed her instructions and the truck swirled around and over into the far lane, while facing the other way. The truck that had rammed mine twice sped by us then braked hard.
“Kennedy, lay flat on the seat and close your eyes.” Kokou instructed. “Keep your music on, okay. Don’t take it out until I tell you. Daniel, turn the truck around.”
When I did, I was now behind the other. The driver must have known what was about to happen because they took off.
Without her telling me, I slammed on the gas and took off after the truck.
Kokou climbed back through the seats and flopped into the passenger side. To my shock, she produced a gun out of thin air and leaned half her body out the window.
“Keep the truck steady.” She demanded.
Holding my breath, I held the wheel tightly as the truck went faster and faster.
Two loud roars later, the truck in front of us began swerving all over the road. I slowed down just as the truck ahead of me slammed into a light pole.
Instinctively, I slammed on the brake. With the force the truck collided with the pole, I didn’t want to risk being caught in an explosion.
“Stay with Kenny.” Kokou told me as she scrambled from the truck.
She pulled to her full five-foot-something height, and with the gun at her side, she stalked toward the truck. When she was close enough, she lifted the gun in her right hand, used her left hand to cup it and went wide, aiming toward the vehicle.
The way she carried herself reminded me of a cop—and though this was a dicey situation, she was sexy as hell.
“Can I sit up yet?” Kennedy asked.
“No sweetie.” I replied. “Not yet.”
Suddenly, Kokou turned toward me and held up both her hands. She was saying something to me as she sprinted back toward the trunk. I rolled down the window to hear what she had to say.
“Reverse!” She screamed. “Back it up!”
Shoving the truck into reverse I began doing as she said as the entire world ended.
It was like a sonicboomthat sent a shockwave outward. It lifted her off the ground and tossed her like a ragdoll into the front windshield of my truck.
“Dad!” Kennedy screamed.
“It’s okay sweetie.” I assured her. “Stay put.”
The truck shook under the shockwave and when I was sure we were okay, I put the car into park and hurried out as Kokou rolled off the front of the truck and hit the ground.
“Are you okay?” I knelt beside her.
She grunted, gripped her side and tried sitting up. “Son of a bitch!”