Page 17 of Unleashing Kokou
“Breathe, Daniel.” I told him. “We’re on top of this.”
Time passed a little quicker than I would have liked. I found I enjoyed being alone with Daniel, of seeing the care he took to put things together for Kennedy and the smile that lit up his face when she entered the room.
“Hi Abe—er—Ab.”
I smiled. “You can call me Abi.”
“Are you sure?” She asked.
I nodded.
“Hi, Abi.”
“Hi Kenny.” I replied. “Hop up and get something to eat. We don’t want to be late.”
“Sure.” Kenny replied just as Daniel set a plate in front of her.
While she ate, I fielded a couple calls from Hank and by the time I was finished, Kennedy was ready.
Daniel walked us to the door, and I waited until he hugged her, framed her face, and kissed her nose then exhaled. As I opened the door to the back of the truck so Kennedy could climb in, Daniel had the look of a man whose kid was going off to war.
I climbed behind the wheel and honked at him. Daniel offered me a wave as I reverse from the driveway the turned in the direction the GPS told me to.
Daniel Archer
“Where have you been?”Angelo Levi asked.
He was my best friend—had been for a number of years, but I’d been scarce since someone tried grabbing Kennedy.
“You weren’t picking up—you haven’t been home. What’s going on?”
I sighed, glanced over my shoulder to ensure we were still alone before leaning forward. “Remember I told you I’ve been getting threats?”
Angelo nodded.
“Someone tried grabbing Kenny at her school.”
“Wait, what?” He yelled, looked around then leaned in and lowered his voice. “What the actual fuck? Did you call the cops?”
“Of course, I called them. But they’re useless.” I exhaled to sip from my coffee. “I had to go crawling to Hank Patterson.”
“Oh God.” Angelo frowned. “How did that go?”
“About as well as you’d think.” I replied. “Thankfully, he isn’t an asshole and assigned me someone to help me watch over Kennedy when I can’t. Since then, I was tailed—there was a car explosion. This is getting dangerous, Angel.”
He nodded. “And you trust Hank, right?”
“Yeah—he may hate me but he’s doing this for Kenny.” I replied. “And he’s always been a good guy. I was the ass.”
“And you still think it’s a fan?” Angelo asked.
“Who else could it be?” I wanted to know. “I haven’t had a chance to interact with anyone because of the playoffs. Plus, I haven’t been with anyone in almost seven years.”
Angelo frowned, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “This is bullshit.”
“Tell me about it.” I agreed. “I spent almost my entire career here with this team, helping to build it and I fuck up one and they want to crucify me.”