Page 20 of Unleashing Kokou
“That’s whatgonemeans.”
Andy swore under his breath. “There’s nothing! Okay?”
I stared at him for a while then rose and headed for the door then stopped with my hand on the doorknob.
“Listen, you know your contract is coming up for renewal.” Andy told me.
“Don’t sign anything.” I told him. “I’m not sure I want to stay on a team where their fans crossed such a line. I don’t even know if I’ll be playing next season.”
“Don’t make any hasty decisions.” Andy implored me. “Figure this out first with the attackers then make that decision.”
“Let’s just say playing hockey is on the back burner right now.”
“Should you be wandering around Montana on your own?” Andy asked. “There is someone out there trying to hurt you.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Without saying another word, I left his office and head back toward my home. But it didn’t take a genius to know someone was following me again. Instead of heading home, I slowed down and called Kokou.
“Don’t worry.” She told me. “I’m going to call a friend of mine and send him your way. I’ll also send you an address, head right to it.”
Kokou hung up without saying goodbye, but my phone buzzed. When I glanced down at the screen, I used Bluetooth to send the address to my GPS and began following the instructions.
It didn’t take long for a motorcycle to pull in behind the vehicle tailing me. I watched as the cycle swung wide, jumped into the lane between myself and the stalker then slowed. The vehicle tried swinging around the cycle, but the rider merely twisted the cycle sideways, lifting a gun in his free hand. The truck that was tailing me flipped a U turn and sped off in the opposite direction.
Unsure of what to do, I pulled over and watched as the cycle eased to a stop behind me. The man removed his helmet and walked up to the passenger window of my truck.
He was tall, shaved head, handsome.
I recognized him immediately.
“Maverick Forge.” I greeted him.
He was married to one of Montana’s biggest exports, best selling author Nova Shuman-Forge. I didn’t know he was a part of the protectors. I supposed that was something he wouldn’t advertised.
“Daniel Archer.” Maverick smiled. “You can call me Reaper. I’ll escort you home. Kokou wants me to stay with you until she can join you.”
“You don’t have to do that. I just didn’t want someone following me home.”
“Well, you don’t know Kokou very well.” Reaper grinned. “What the undergod wants, the undergod gets.”
“I’ll explain later.” Reaper told me. “Take the lead.”
Without further arguments, I lead Reaper to my place and settled in to wait. While I did that, I sequestered myself in my office to go through a few things. I checked all my investments, my accounts and all the financial statements I had.
I was set to not have to play hockey anymore.
Over the years, I’d been wise with my money. Most of my investments panned out in my favour and I was one of the wealthiest players in the country. There really wasn’t a reason for me to keep going—except I loved the game.
But with each incident, I found myself falling more out of love with hockey than before.
“I’m going to have a look round the property.” Reaper stuck his head into the office. “You good here?”
I nodded. “Thanks.”
Alone again, I exhaled and turned off my computer. I had some major decisions to make, and I had to put Kennedy’s welfare ahead of everything else.