Page 25 of Unleashing Kokou
Another week floated by, and I was beginning to get extremely concerned about the cop’s pace on this case. They had yet to update Daniel on anything.
I’d wanted to continue pushing on it. But Montana and Daniel sat down and spoke with Swede, and they all decided to kind of give the cops a little more time before we moved on what we knew. The thing was, if the cops handled things, we wouldn’t have to explain the bodies that might fall in our wake.
While we wanted to respect law enforcement, Kennedy’s life was in limbo and Daniel was becoming increasingly irritated with the situation.
“You know what?” Daniel turned from the window to face the rest of us. “Fuck their feelings.”
I arched a brow.
“What I mean is, we do this ourselves.” He explained.
“I take it your meeting with the good-ole-detective didn’t go well.” The sarcasm in Swede’s voice was palpable.
“The man’s an idiot.” Daniel muttered.
I looked over at Montana who sighed, his wide shoulders rising, pausing then falling. He met my gaze and nodded.
That was the only permission I needed.
Daniel Archer
With my daughteroff to her godmothers for the weekend, I settled into doing some errands and business meetings. I had to meet with my team and the owner to see what they intended on doing about me and my contract.
After the first half of the morning, Kokou insisted on we stopping to eat. Usually, I would grab a snack bar and move don.
She wasn’t impressed with that idea.
I promised we could after a brief stop at the mall then onward to lunch.
The temperature was insane. It didn’t matter I’d lived in Montana all my life—I didn’t think I’d ever get used to the kind of heat Montana could bestow.
I walked into the large meeting space at my team’s building with Kokou by my side. The team’s head coach glared at Kokou but the ex-soldier didn’t seem to care.
Instead, she was busy looking around the room.
“This is a private meeting.” The man growled at me. “When you bring Andy in here, I overlooked it, but this?”
“She’s the one keeping the crazy fans away.” I thumbed over my shoulder at her. “Where I go, so does she. If you don’t like it, you can kiss my ass. You had your opportunity to find me protection but—what was it you said, Bart?”
The man made a face, turned on his heels and stormed out of the room.
I shrugged and walked over to where Kokou was standing at the window. She had a frown on her beautiful face, and I wondered what caused that. She didn’t seem like the type to get offended by anything Bart had to say.
Something else was up.
“You have that look on your face.”
She blinked and looked at me briefly then back out. “What look?”
“The one that says you’re highly annoyed and someone is about to get their ass kicked.”
Kokou chuckled.
“Talk to me, Kokou.” I spoke softly.
“Don’t look now, but you see that black car parked across the street?”