Page 41 of Unleashing Kokou
She searched my eyes for something—I wasn’t sure what.
Maybe it was to see if I was lying or acceptance or one of any number of things that a person could read from another through the eyes.
Whatever it was she’d been looking for, she must have found it because she shifted her body to rest her head on my chest and tossed a possessive arm across my hips.
I drew the sheets over us, knowing that at some point I’d have to let her go that we could go back to reality. But I would force myself not to think about it until I had to.
“That language you were speaking to me when we were making love.” My eyelids were heavy. “What is it?”
“It’s Yorùbá.”
I sighed. “Damn.”
“You didn’t see what happened when you spoke it to me?” I asked. “I didn’t mean for that to happen but my body just—”
“You think it’s sexy?” She lifted her head to smirk at me.
My cheeks heated.
“That’s new.” She laughed softly and rested against me again.
I napped but I didn’t think she did. When I woke up, the only thing of hers still in the room was the smell of her.
Rolling over, I sniffed the pillow beside my head and sighed as my body hardened.
“This is an addiction.” I tossed my feet out of bed.
Checking the time, I groaned and rushed to take a shower. As I was drying my skin, a mark on my neck caught my attention and I groaned. It was definitely a love bite.
I rubbed it gently for a second before catching myself and shaking my head.
Once I was dressed, I descended the stairs.
“I’m picking up Kenny.” Kokou told me. “You stay here and make dinner. Don’t worry, you have someone watching over you until I can get back.”
I made a face. “I do have to call Andy to talk to him about my contract.”
“See?” She fixed the wrap on her head. “You have plenty to do. Don’t open the door unless it’s my face or one of Montana’s guys.”
“I don’t know all of Hank’s guys.”
Kokou frowned at me. “Fine, don’t open the door until you see me.”
Grinning, I leaned forward to rest my elbow on the counter. “Would it be too clingy to ask that you kiss me before you leave?”
She hung her head but not before a smile crossed her lips.
“Are you blushing, Kokou?” I teased. “I can’t tell.”
“For that, you get no kiss before I leave.”
“Oh, baby.” I put on my best Elvis Presley voice. “Don’t be cruel.”