Page 46 of Unleashing Kokou
“I can almost feel the gears working inside your mind.” Daniel spoke, his voice was low, calm. “What are you thinking?”
“I think the better question should be, what am I not thinking.”
Daniel laughed and sat up. “Well, here’s a question I’d like you to think about.”
“I’m listening.”
“Which bed will you be using tonight?”
He shook his head.
“I can’t spend the night with you.” I rationalized. “What if Kennedy wakes up and finds us together? It isn’t time for her to see that yet.”
“Yet?” I tilted my head. “Are you saying that one day it could be time for her to see us together?”
“I’m trying to be open minded.” I admitted. “I’m really trying but all this is new. We need to walk very carefully because our hearts aren’t the only ones on the line here.”
“And I’m aware of that.” Daniel nodded. “But she can’t learn what it’s like to be in a relationship if she never sees me in one.”
“Also a valid point.”
Daniel cleared his throat. “Okay—how about we slow things down? No spending the night together until we’re sure we can maintain this between us, and Kennedy will be safe from heartbreak.”
“I don’t like it either. But we don’t have a choice, do we?”
The week went by, and the weekend landed with Kennedy back at her God mother’s place. We took that time to have Swede send us Anna’s address and we drove out to it. When we arrived, we realized immediately something was definitely wrong as the address was an old, abandoned ranch.
We parked down the street and walked to the house to find the windows boarded up, the front door had a sign from the government on it declaring that they’d foreclosed on the place for back taxes, and it would be sold at its next auction.
There was also another note telling people not to cross the line.
Shrugging, I slammed a foot into it close to the lock, blowing the door inward.
“Do you have to do that?” Daniel asked.
“Did you have a better idea?”
He frowned and stepped by me into the house.
Shrugging, I followed after unclipping the latch on my holster so I could have easy access to my gun—just in case.
We split up to go through the house. While he wandered up the stairs, I went through the living room where there was no furniture except for an air mattress with a blanket folded neatly in the middle. The dust underneath one of the windows was almost nonexistent and footprints led off into the room.
The kitchen was empty except an empty fridge and a stove that looked freshly cleaned.
I peered out the bit of glass of the backdoor to find a path leading off toward what looked like what was left of a barn, a corn silo that was leaning precariously to the side, and ground that seemed as if it would never grow anything again.
Footsteps caused me to turn around to find Daniel standing at the door.
“Found anything?” I asked.
“The bathroom upstairs was used recently.” Daniel explained. “There’s no dust at all in comparison to the rest of the rooms there.”
“Someone’s been living here.” I replied. “There’s a bed in the living room and this kitchen has been cleaned.”
“Do you think it’s Anna?”