Page 5 of Unleashing Kokou
“I have a kid.” He told me. “And ever since I lost the game for the Rebels, I’ve been getting death-threats.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong—but wasn’t that game like—months ago?”
He nodded. “I’ve been getting the odd comments. People yelling garbage at me in public, an email here or there. But it escalated a week ago.”
“What happened a week ago?”
“Someone showed up at my kid’s school and tried signing her out.”
“Signing her out?”
“She’s six.” Daniel explained. “The kids who go to this schools are the children of senators, actors, high profile lawyers, athletes.”
“Children who are potentially high risk.”
“Right.” Daniel nodded. “The school has a safe list.”
“Explain that.”
“It’s a list of who can sign the kids out—who can pick them up.” Daniel told me. “If someone isn’t on that list, who tries to get the kid, the cops are called. I supposed this person didn’t know that. When the school refused and threatened to call the police, the person ran. I don’t care what happens to me—I just want someone to be with my baby until we can figure out who’s behind this.”
“You’re telling me, someone is trying to get to you through your kid over a stupid game?”
“It’s not a stupid game to them.”
“I don’t care.” I snapped. “I mean, are you sure this has something to do with a few disgruntled fans? Maybe it’s someone you’ve pissed off.”
“I know you might not believe this, I’m not as big of an asshole as you think I am.”
“You’re right.” I told him pointedly. “I don’t believe but. But as much as I dislike you, I’m not going to go after your kid to get your attention. That’s below the belt and completely ridiculous.”
Daniel smiled—a sad smile. “I know I’m not your favourite person and I have no idea if I can ever fix that. But I will pay you or your crew for this.”
“Where’s your daughter now?”
“She’s staying with a friend of mine.” Daniel replied. “Evelyn—you remember her.”
I nodded.
How could I forget Evelyn?
“But she can’t stay there forever.” I continued. “The school has been allowing her to do virtual schooling. She’s miserable. And I don’t like her being so far away from me.”
“And her mother?”
“We’re not together.” Daniel rose and walked over to the glass to stare down. “Kennedy wasn’t exactly planned, and it turned out her mother didn’t want children.”
“Do you have custody?”
He nodded and turned to face me. “Full custody ever since she was a baby.”
“I have no active protector to spare right now.” I explained to him. “But I have one on hiatus. Let me give her a call and see if she’s willing to help. If not, we’re going to have to find an alternative.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m not doing this for you.” I reminded him. “Your daughter doesn’t deserve any of this.”
“I understand.”