Page 53 of Unleashing Kokou
“If they’re going to—I’m in.”
Our eyes met and I could see the rage pulsing in her gaze.
Licking my lips, so help me, all I felt in that moment was arousal. I needed her to work that off on me but knew that wasn’t possible.
Ashamed of my thoughts, I broke our eye contact and stared toward the house before glancing down at the phone where the three people were now in the kitchen.
Anna was cooking and one of the men was busy tapping away at a laptop.
“The good news is, she doesn’t know where we are right now.” He pointed out.
I recognize that voice as the second man—he was younger, shaggy black hair, lanky build with a nose ring.
“For now.” Anna pointed out. “But how much longer can we stay here and be off her radar.”
“At least another few days.” The other man spoke.
He must be Joshua. This guy was chubby—shorter with a shaved head.
“As long as we don’t attract attention, we’ll have some time to kind of put something in play.” Joshua pushed himself up to sit on the counter.
“I’ve been thinking.” Anna set a bowl beside Joshua. “We have our share of the money. Granted, it’s not the full amount. Given the situation, I don’t think we should be greedy.”
“Agreed.” Joshua told her.
“What if we just go our separate ways?” Anna suggested. “It’s easier to hide one person than three.”
“I don’t want to be alone with Satan after me.” The younger man screeched. “What the hell do I know about fighting or evading this woman?”
“It’s time you grow the hell up!” Anna snapped. “We can’t keep protecting you. We can’t protect you from everything. And at this point, we have our hands full trying not to get a bullet between the fucking eyes.”
“Don’t yell at me!” The young man pushed. “This job was your idea. I told you it smelled funny, but you claimed the money was too good. Now, look where we are. Living in some dusty, rat infested shithole with the grim reaper chasing us. How long do you think we’re going to be able to outrun her?”
Neither Anna nor Joshua spoke.
“That’s what I thought.” The young man tossed his hands in the air. “So, in the grand scheme of things, does it really fucking matter if we’re alone or together?”
My heart slammed inside my chest. The conflicting feelings inside me making my back hurt.
“I don’t think I should be going back to that school.” Anna broke the silence. “Even if I do get to be alone with that kid, I’d never make it off the property. I’m pretty sure they have someone watching over her.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” The young man demanded.
“Calm down, Roger.” Joshua snapped. “Shit! Your whining is giving me a damn migraine.”
“Really?” Roger leaned in. “How much of a migraine do you think you’re going to have when you have no head?”
Joshua swung at Roger who ducked and slammed a fist into Joshua’s gut then ran from the room cackling like an evil genius.
“Children.” Kokou growled lowly.
“Why do you always let him bait you?” Anna asked Joshua.
“He’s a punk.” Joshua grunted.
“Either way.” Anna told him. “We should separate. She can’t come after all of us and if we play our cards right, we could disappear—South America, Central America, Thailand—vanish into a city of over three million and stay gone.”