Page 59 of Unleashing Kokou
“Do you have a picture of Cassandra?” I wanted to know.
“Yeah.” Swede tapped away at his keyboard until a woman popped up on the big screen.
The breath left me, and I doubled over, trying desperately to catch my breath.
“Daniel?” Hank called.
But I could barely hear him—he might as well have been on Mars screaming my name toward earth through a bullhorn.
Then the familiarity of Kokou’s scent was close to me. I blinked and looked up and she was kneeling in front of me. Without thinking of what the others might say or how they might react, I wrapped my arms around her, drew her into me and buried my face into her neck.
For an eternity, no one spoke. I didn’t even think anyone was breathing but none of them mattered.
The only person, the only soul in that moment who mattered, was the woman holding my pieces together with her strength and the softness of her body.
“Daniel, what’s going on?” Montana asked.
“Cowboy.” Kokou spoke up. “Give us a minute?”
I didn’t look away from her when I sat up. I stared into her eyes, taking my strength and sanity from those beautiful, brown puddles.
When we were alone, she got me a shot of whiskey and a bottle of water, then sat on the floor between my thighs, facing me.
“Cassandra.” I told her. “I know her.”
Kokou hung her head. “She’s Kenny’s mom.”
I nodded, knocked back the shot then set the glass beside her ass on the floor.
“She’s trying to kidnap Kenny.” Kokou spoke up. “I thought you said she didn’t want to be a mother.”
“She didn’t.” I replied. “When she found out she was pregnant, she was already four months. She wasn’t really gaining weight, but she was growing a belly. Kenny wasn’t a large baby. She wanted to have an abortion. I threatened her. She demanded money—like a surrogate. Once she had Kenny, she left her in the hospital and was just gone. Cassandra didn’t even take the time to name her.”
My soul hurt.
“I hired a lawyer, and a P.I to find her and bring her back so we could go through the legal channels. Cassandra didn’t have an issue with giving me Kenny. She didn’t even fight it.”
“Then why is she trying to get Kenny now?”
I shrugged, wringing the cap from the water bottle. “You’d have to ask her. But she isn’t getting my child. If I had my own way Kenny would never know who she is. But I know one day Kenny will have questions. But I’m keeping my child or die trying.”
“No one’s going to die.” She assured me. “I’ll fix this.”
I smiled and kissed her tenderly. “I’m sorry if you didn’t want them to know.”
“Want them to know what?”
“Us?” She asked when my voice cracked. “It’s okay. I wasn’t trying to hide it. I just wasn’t sure where you stood on having the female version of a commando in your bed. Most men don’t want others to know.”
“We’re going to have to talk about us lumping me in with idiots later.” I assured her. “But right now, I want Cassandra dead.”
“You’re very sexy when you’re blood thirsty Daniel. But we need to be careful with what we do next.” Kokou leaned back on her palms and stared up at me.
In that position, I felt powerful.
I felt likeherman, and I couldn’t help the way my body trembled. Still, I knew that was a sensation for another time.