Page 67 of Unleashing Kokou
Hank said nothing—he merely stood there, back leaning against the counter like some muscular guardian angel.
I wasn’t sure how I deserved him.
“I’m sorry, you know?” My voice sounded foreign. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“Everything.” My hands shook on the buttons. “Fuck!”
“Here.” Hank stepped forward and picked up where I left off with the buttons.
“I’m sorry I was such an ass to you when we were younger.” I continued. “At first it was easier because our fathers couldn’t get a long. As I grew older I just—I don’t know. I was an idiot.”
Hank said nothing.
He tugged the shoulders of the shirt in place then stepped back to where he’d been standing before.
“I have this knot in the pit of my stomach.” I continued, filling my palms with water then dunking my face in. When I came up for air, I turned off the pipe and tapped my face with my palms. “Like I haven’t even gotten to know her well enough yet and I’m already losing her. I feel like it’s a punishment.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.” Hank told me. “You’re not losing this woman you’re falling for because you were a dick as a kid. This is all about your ex being selfish.”
“You’d think she’d be happy and leave me alone—after all these years. She has what she wanted. A rich man who let her run all over him.”
“Ever heard the saying,be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it?”
I nodded.
“She has what she wished for and is realizing the grass isn’t greener on that side.” Hank continued. “Now, get it together. Kokou is going to be out of surgery soon and she needs to see you standing strong. We don’t want her to have to be worried about you too.”
“I’ll have to tell Kenny.”
“Not yet.” Hank replied. “Let’s take this one step at a time. Let’s get your girl through this bit first, then we tell Kenny.”
“My girl.”
Hank smiled. “Yes, your girl.”
When I nodded, Hank stepped in front of me and rested a large palm against my neck.
“You’re not in this alone.” He assured me. “There’s an army here. All you have to do is reach out—hell, even if you don’t, we got you.”
“In other words, I’m getting help whether I want to accept it or not?”
“Pretty much how this brotherhood works.” Hank stepped back and picked up the empty bag. “If you choose to be with Kokou, you’re going to have to get used to it.”
He turned and led me out of the bathroom. As we were reaching the waiting area, two cops entered. One hurried over to speak with Swede.
Hank and I rushed over to find out what was happening.
I caught the tail end of the cop’s words and frowned.
“She’s here?” I demanded.
“I’m sorry.” The cop faced me. “You ar—you’re Daniel Archer!”
“You just said that Anna Lowe is here.” I ignored his excited eyes. “She tried kidnapping my kid. She almost killed Reaper and now Kokou could die because she fuckingshother!”
“Calm down, Daniel.” Hank rested a hand on my shoulder.