Page 1 of Taz
I paced one way, then the next.
With thunder rolling in the distance, I peered out the window to see the outside was bright with sunlight and the sky clear of clouds. That could mean it was storming in another part of Bangkok and just hadn’t reached me yet.
Still, I pulled myself together while trying to figure something out.
They’d said if I needed anything at all I should call. That if I was ever in trouble, all I had to do was pick up the phone and they’d be there.
But people had told me that before and in my times of need, they were nowhere to be found.
They’d told me they had my back and I found myself struggling to my feet after life knocked me down-repeatedly.
I couldn’t solve this alone.
As much as I’d prefer hiding behind the wall not being able to trust anyone in my life had built around my heart, I couldn’t take that risk.
Holding my breath, I called.
“Sawatdii khap, P.”I greeted Dax “Kaos” Forsythe.
He smiled through the camera.
I knew he felt old when I called him that. But being polite had been engrained inside me. I couldn’t help myself.
“Hey, Storm!” He greeted me. “Honey, it’s Storm.”
He paused then leaned closer to the camera.
“What’s the matter?” Kaos asked.
“Um—P, is Taz with you?”
He blinked. “With us?”
At that moment, his fiancée Zoom approached to peer over his shoulder and wave at me.
“Why would she be with us?” Zoom wanted to know.
“Well, because I haven’t seen her in three days.” I explained. “And she’s not at her place, nor is she picking up her phone. I tried tracking it, but it hasn’t pinged anywhere in that long.”
“You say she goes off grid sometimes, right? To go camping.” Kaos pointed out.
“This is different.”
Kaos and Zoom exchanged looks before Kaos returned his attention to me.
“Okay, try to worry.” He told me. “Does she have any family or friends in Thailand she could’ve gone to visit?”
I shook my head. “As far as I know she’s alone here when it comes to family. She doesn’t have many friends. I’ve checked the bar she frequents, and they haven’t seen her in almost a week.”
“Okay—you keep checking there.” Kaos told me. “I’ll get Tex to spread a wide net.”