Page 29 of Wasp
“Problem?” I asked.
“This is my ex.” Levi introduced him. “Turns out he really is a dog.”
“Well, since he’s your ex, we really have nothing left to say to him, do we?” I asked, sliding my hand from around Levi’s hips to hold his hand. “We should go. Mae Lin hates it when people are late for their reservations.”
The other man gasped.
“You’re on first name basis with the owner ofDebutant?”
“Why does that surprise you?” I asked.
Leading Levi away, the man yelled after us. He apologized for being a dick and when he tried following, I glanced back to see Charlie had stepped into his path. Outside, Levi doubled over, gasping for air.
I grabbed a bottle of water from my car and wrung the cap off.
“Here, drink.” I told him. “You okay?”
“Thanks for doing that.” He told me after drinking almost half the contents from the bottle. “I didn’t think I would survive that encounter. I can’t believe he did that to me—I can’t believe he’s that kind of person. How could have I chosen him?”
“We all make that mistake in life.” I assured him while rubbing his back. “The trick is, never let them see you cry. When they’re around, life is perfect. You can cry in private.”
“I’m not that strong.” Levi admitted. “I was so in love with him—I’m an idiot.”
Smiling, I leaned my back against the Bentley and folded my arms.
“I was married once.” I explained. “I thought I was in love, happy. When our son turned ten, she told me she was tired.”
“Yeah—of being a wife and a mother. She didn’t want to do it anymore.”
“I wish some women knew that once that little life pops out of their vaginas, they can’t be likeI don’t wanna be a mother anymore.That is not cool.”
I glanced up as Levi’s ex stepped through the door.
He stopped to watch us.
Opening the passenger door of my Bentely, I stepped in the way to block the ex’s view.
“Get in.” I told Levi.
Without question, he climbed in, and I closed the door.
After sending Charlie a quick text, I hurried around to the driver’s side and climbed in. I ensured I drove by the ex on our way out of the parking lot.
“Listen, Levi.” I spoke up once we pulled into the lot forDebutante.“No matter what you felt for that guy, know you deserve to be happy and you deserved to be loved. And I’m not talking about the kind of love that is there to buy him things and take care of him. I’m talking about the right love, the kind love, the all-consuming love.”
“How are you so sure?”
“You’re friends with Goddess.” I told him. “And she wouldn’t have let you get that close if you were a shit human.”
He smiled, leaned over to rest his head on my shoulder for a second then giggled and sat up.
“Goddess?” Levi teased. “So, have you asked her out yet?”
“That is none of your business!” I blushed.
“Hey!” Levi poked my shoulder with a playful finger. “Carter loves Seeeeee-maaaa!”