Page 32 of Wasp
“You know what I need.” She reminded him.
He spat at her.
Seema replied by shoving his head into the water again.
I glanced around as he slowly began drowning to see if anyone was watching us.
We were alone—I made a mental note to ask her about this.
I held my breath because he was spasming by the time she lifted his head again.
“Listen, crack ribs and hard breathing don’t gel.” Seema informed him. “I’m sure you’re beginning to be painfully aware of that. You see, I don’t really care about your wellbeing. And I got nothin’ but time, So, we can do this for as long as you need us to.”
Again, she held his head under.
“Seema, you could kill him.” I reminded her.
“Kinda the point.” She growled.
She sighed as if I was boring her, rolled her eyes and brought him out of the water. The man held his ribs, gasping and coughing.
“I don’t know her name!” He spluttered. “We don’t deal in names, just money.”
“Where did she find you and your guys?” Seema wanted to know.
“The dark web.” He panted. “We have an ad up and people just contact us. We generally take the highest bidder, and the money was good.”
“How does she get in touch with you?” I asked.
“She doesn’t.” He replied.
“Is that a lie?” Seema cooed. “I thought we were beginning to be friends.”
“She doesn’t contact us, per-se.” He clarified. “There’s this message board—she posts a message and we meet her somewhere—we use code words.”
“What does she look like?” I questioned.
“Aww, come on, man.” The man gurgled. “I don’t know.”
He was rewarded with another face full of water.
“He asked you a question.” Seemed told him.
“She always wears these ridiculous wigs.” He groaned. “And these giant sunglasses—who knows what the fuck she looks like. Now, gimme a break! I need a hospital or one of these ribs could puncture a lung.”
“You’re assuming I care.” Seema released him. “But if I see you again, Iwillkill you.”
It was too easy for me to slip back into military mode.
As I held that man’s head under the water, all the tactics I’d learned—the legal and not so legal ones—came flooding back to him.
That should dscared me.