Page 40 of Wasp
“You were married, Carter.” I moved over to push myself to the deck with my feet in the water. “She must have been that safe space for you.”
He swam over, easing himself between my thighs and wrapping his arms around me to press his palms against my lower back.
“No—Audrey was busy with other things.”
“Other things?” I asked. “Other things more important than comforting her husband.”
“Yes. Spending my money, avoiding motherhood, hanging out with her friends.” He exhaled. “She made my life hell and by the time I realized she wasn’t the one—”
“I understand.” I stopped him.
Walls had ears and teenagers were very adept at hearing things they shouldn’t and even more so at misunderstanding.
His meaning was clear—Dillon wasn’t supposed to happen and when he didn’t, Carter felt trapped.
“You love your son.” I told him.
“More than my own life.”
“Focus on that.” I caress his hair back. “Focus on that and let it give your strength. We’ll figure this out.”
Carter smiled up at me—a tired smile.
“Come on. You should shower and go to sleep.”
“Stay with me tonight.” He pleaded.
“I would love to.” I frame his face. “But we have no idea what we’re doing, and you can’t tell Dillon about us until you do.”
“Why does life hate me?”
I laughed. “Don’t be dramatic. Let’s swim for a little bit, then you get some sleep.”
Dillon called me at the end of the day. I could almost feel the excitement radiating off him through the phone. Still, I held my breath and waited.
“Dad, we’ll be late coming home today.” He told me.
“Wasp is taking me for driving lessons.” He informed me. “She says she knows an enclosed space where I can practice my parallel parking and reversing. I need help with those.”
“And it’s Wasp now?”
My sixteen-year-old giggled.
“Isn’t it cool?” He wanted to know. “So, can I go?”
“Let me talk to her.”
Her voice rang through the speaker a few seconds later and I couldn’t help the smirk that drifted across my lips.
“Hello, Goddess.” I greeted her.