Page 70 of Wasp
“It will suck, but I’ll let you go.” Seema finished. “A kid needs two parents—not one and if you can make things work for Dillon—”
I sighed, stepped back and took her shoulders in my hands. After she was facing me, I waited until she was staring into my eyes.
“Yes, but we can be two parents for Dillon—if he wants that—and not be together.” I told her, sternly. “If you wish to leave me, Goddess, then say so. But our breaking up will not ever be because of Audrey. I refuse to allow that.”
“Refuse? Allow?” Anger filled her gaze. “You don’t own me, Carter.”
“That’s not what I meant.” I snapped, matching her rage. “And you know it. Don’t start that war with me because you’ll lose. Since you refuse to understand what I just said, let me be a little clearer. If we’re to break up, it’ll be because we don’t care for each other. It will not now, or ever be because of Audrey. She is inconsequential in my life other than her being Dillon’s mother.”
“Then why are you going to save her?”
“Because that’s what you would have done.” I released her. “Because I want her to sit in prison for a time and think about how fucked up this entire thing is. And besides, if anyone is going to kill her, it’ll be me.”
Irritated, I turned toward the house then stopped.
Shifting on my heels, I faced her.
“When this is over, Goddess, one of two things will be happen.” I stalked toward her, keeping my gaze on hers. “One, you’ll still be pissed off at me and I’ll ask you to leave. Or you’ll find your way to my bedroom before we pick up my son and you’ll endure a punishment from me for forcing me to have this conversation with you.”
When I was close, she gasped and stepped back.
“Do you understand, Goddess?” I demanded, softly.
I caught her nipples between my fingers, pinched and tugged.
Her knees wobbled but I didn’t release the buds to catch her.
In fact, I squeezed harder, watching her eyes cross.
“I asked you a question.” I growled.
“Yes.” She stuttered.
When I released her, her knees gave out and she flopped to the floor.
I left her there.
Even as I checked the weapons Wolf supplied to see what I could use on the upcoming mission, and Carter went off to speak with his son and best friend, my nipples were still pulsing. Carter had been rough during our sessions but not this way.
I didn’t hate it.
In fact, the longer I thought about it, the wetter I became.
I wanted to call his bluff right that second. It pissed me off that I couldn’t.
The mania in his eyes added to the arousal and suddenly, I didn’t recognize this woman I’d become.
He stepped back into the room and while he said nothing to me, he spared me a glance. I bit into my bottom lip, slammed the bottom of the gun against my palm to ensure the cartridge was lodged in properly, then dragged the top to slip a bullet into the chamber.
That weapon, I dropped into my left thigh holster and pulled my trench down around it.
I tried keeping a stiff spine—I tried not showing him any weakness from what he’d done to me, but I knew I failed.