Page 77 of Wasp
“No.” I shook my head. “It means I’m thinking about our son. Because as much as I hate you and as much as Dillon wants nothing to do with you right now, one day he might change is mind and he can’t do that if you’re dead.”
I paused for a breath.
“And there was a time when I loved you more than my very own life.” I continued. “I would have done anything for you—even the times when you refused to even let me touch you.”
“So, you’re mad because I won’t have sex with you?”
I scoffed.
“This is rich.” I laughed, darkly. “You think I’m still attracted to you?”
For a moment, Audrey said nothing.
I knew.
She didn’t have to speak.
I knew she was busy working things out in her head.
“You call her Goddess.” Audrey’s voice cracked as she staggered backward to her chair. “I missed it because bullets were flying, but you called her Goddess. Are you sleeping with her?”
“Well, you’ve lost the right to ask me that question the moment you climbed onto another man’s penis.” I shrugged. “And that was so many years ago.”
“She’s nothing.” Audrey leaned forward. “Nothing at all and you’d chose her over me?”
“I think you and I have very different definitions of the wordnothing, Audrey.” I rested my ass on the windowsill and crossed my ankles. “Goddess, adores our son. While you hired strangers to killmyson, she’s been here with him—protecting him, laughing with him, listening to him, teaching him how to protect himself, taking him driving so he can get his license. She’s strong, and beautiful and—”
“I really do think you thought you saying that would anger me.” I sighed after another sip of my almost forgotten coffee. “But broken or not, she loves my son. Broken or not she turns me on in ways you never did. And broken or not, she’s mine.”
“What about me?” Audrey sobbed.
“What about you?” I demanded. “You didn’t love me, Audrey. You loved yourself. The only thing about me that attracted you was what I could do for you, and you weren’t even strong enough to pretend.”
I finished my coffee and set the pug on the sill beside me as I gathered my thoughts.
“Dillon is going to want to speak with you.” I began after clearing my throat. “And you will be civil. It’ll happen here because my son will never set foot in a prison. Once he’s said what he needs to say, I’m going to take him, and you willneversee him again—except for if he decides to se you down the line.”
“So what? This woman is his mother now?”
“No, Audrey.” I managed. “She’ll never be his mother. But if she wants to and Dillon agrees, she’ll be his mom. And she’ll be a far better mom to him that you’ll ever be. And when—”
I looked up to see Seema sticking her head into the room. When I smiled at her, she offered me a nervous wave.
“I just wanted to let you know I was here.” She spoke, eyeing Audrey. “I’ll leave you two alone to—”
Rushing over, I tugged her into my chest.
The relief made me weak and all I could do was cling to her as Audrey shoved her chair over to stare at us.
“Give Charlie a call.” I told her after I stole a kiss. “Have him bring Dillon here.”
“What about Eli?”
“Yeah, he can stay with Wolf and Myra while we handle this.” I replied.