Page 79 of Wasp
“Just because we share DNA does not make me your son!” Dillon countered.
“Hey!” Seema called to my teen. “Look at me—Dillon, hey, look at me.”
I watched as my boy turned to make eye contact with Seema.
“You have the control right now.” Seema assured him then glanced at me.
I nodded in agreement.
“This is your show.” I added my two-bits. “It’s time to get things off your chest and try getting a little bit of closure from this whole situation. Okay?”
“Okay—will you stay with me?” He asked Seema.
“Of course.” She touched his cheeks. “I won’t leave your side.”
Dillon pressed his forehead to her chin then stood back to nod at her. He glanced over at me and when I nodded at him, he smiled and walked to sit in one of the chairs.
Seema sat on the bay windowsill closest to Dillon and I didn’t go far from Audrey.
“For the longest time I thought you and dad breaking up was my fault.” Dillon spoke softly. “And for almost that long, dad’s been fighting to convince me that I had nothing to do with it. And even as you tried to kill us, he kept telling me that you love me in your own way.”
I hung my head.
“I was angry at first—because I thoughtwhy would you lie to me?” Dillon looked over at me. “But I realized that even though you’re a horrible person, he still didn’t want me to hate you. I don’t understand why people believe that just because they’re your mother or father they can do whatever they want to you, and you should have no feelings about it. That you just have to sit there and take it and be ice cold.”
Dillon paused.
Seema reached over and squeezed his shoulder.
“But I’m not going to sit here and take it.” Dillon explained. “You tried to kill us. And then because of that, almost get Wasp killed and I will never forgive you for that. When you’re in prison, I want you to think about me being happy with my family—this family—”
He motioned to Seema and me.
“And I want you to see me grow into a good man, with an amazing life and realize that you could have had all of this.” Dilling continued. “You could have been a part of my life even if you weren’t with dad. But you chose greed over me. Wasp saved my life and dad’s life—and I’m going to spend the rest of my life living as well and as happily in respect to her.”
At least Audrey had the mind to look ashamed.
“I love you.” Dillon’s voice cracked. “But I never want to see you again. That may change at some point—but that’s how I feel now. Do you have anything to say to me—anything at all.”
Audrey said nothing.
We all waited—I held my breath.
This was Audrey’s moment to do the right thing.
This was her moment to apologize, or say something, anything, to show Dillon that what she’d done was only a brain fart. That it was only a momentary lapse in judgement, a weakness she didn’t think through.
But she said nothing.
“Wow.” Dillon hung his head. “I gave you a chance.”
Dillon stood and walked over to me.
He buried himself into my arms and sobbed, soaking my shirt.
“I need to speak with your mother for a second.” I rubbed his back. “Go with Seema to find Eli. When I’m finished here, I’ll join you and we can spend some time together, okay?”
Dillon nodded.