Page 85 of Wasp
“Just a couple of—”
“Shh.” I pressed a finger to his lips so I could hear.
I wasn’t wrong, there was someone outside my door. Instinctively, I reached behind the sofa and wrapped my fingers around the grip of the Glock I kept there.
Bad habit from the team I’d been on and the work we did.
The door burst open, and I pulled my hand up, eased my it between Carter and the now shattered door.
“Cover your ears!” I ordered.
It took me a second to gauge we were actually in danger, aimed and fired.
Selvin’s life ended with a bullet between the eyes.
He slumped to his knees, his eyes wide before falling to his face.
His death was so sudden, his fingers didn’t have time to uncurl from the weapon he was holding.
Climbing off Carter’s lap, I shuffled to where Selvin was now lying and used the toe of my right leg to roll him over. Still aiming my gun at him, I leaned down to check his pulse.
Nothing—but I still used the sleeve of my shirt to remove the gun from his hand and placed it out of his reach.
“You okay?” I asked Carter.
“I’m good.” He replied. “I knew he would be hovering, but for him to break in here—was he the last one?”
“As far as I know.” I shoved the gun into the back of my pants.
“We’re going to talk about you hiding guns around your place.” Carter used the toe of his shoes to shake Selvin’s body. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
I grinned and kissed his chin while pulling out my phone.
“You signed up for this, Lover.” I told him.
Carter groaned.
“Tex.” I called when the computer guru picked up.
Carter growled at me.
“I’m here, little sister.”
The weather pivoted on us and by the time we all arrived at the house I’d rented, it was barely lunch time but the clouds had rolled in. Thunder rolled off in the distance, and I looked up and frowned.
“We should get everything inside before the sky opens up.” Seema suggested, patting my ass.
Kissing her head, I opened the trunk for her and the boy to start taking things out before I walked to the side of the SUV and unclipped the bag we’d placed on the top.
Once I had it on the ground, I followed Dillon to the door where he set down a package of bottled water to enter the code so we could go inside.
With all the things in the house, I used the remote to lock the door, and stared out as a clap of thunder rolled overhead, and the sky opened up.