Page 2 of Ignite My Heart
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m all over the media and nothing has ever happened to me.”
“She is a child.”
“She’s my child and I have every right to her.”
“You make her sound like a piece of property. But then that is all most people are to you.”
Fawn crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t try to pull that angle.”
“Just stating the truth,” he said. “You didn’t want to have anything to do with her until now. You think I don’t know what’s going on? I saw the story that broke about you having a kid nobody knew about before you made it big, a kid you abandoned. I saw all the comments calling you a bad mom.”
Her nostrils flared. “They were just trash-talking haters jealous because they wish they could be me. I’m a great mom and I am going to prove it to the world.”
“The only one you need to prove it to is Ciara, but I’m afraid it may be too late. She’s not exactly dying to see you.”
“Because you have turned her against me! You are still making me pay for leaving you after she was born. Could I help it if I was offered the biggest break of my life? I would not be the star I am today if I had turned it down so I could stay home and change diapers.”
Morgan cocked an eyebrow, his tone dry. “At least you have your priorities clear.”
“A lot of career women have children,” Fawn shot back.
He took a step toward her. “Children that they make an effort to care for and spend time with, not to mention love. You had every opportunity to be a part of Ciara’s life for the past nine years.”
“I didn’t have time. Actors don’t drive to work anymore to make films in some old Hollywood studio lot, ya know. We have to fly to some depressing medieval village in Eastern Europe to shoot a bunch of scenes in a musty old castle for three months.”
“Poor baby.”
“Well, it’s true,” Fawn said, lifting her chin. “You don’t know how hard I work. Last film we did a shoot in a really horrible place and I had a cold for ten whole days.”
“And to think you only got paid a few million for your sacrifice.”
She gave him a self-satisfied smile. “You resent the fact that I make a lot more money than you now.”
Morgan bristled. “No, Fawn, I resent the fact that you never gave a damn about Ciara.”
“I did so. I had her come visit me that time.”
“Two years ago,” he said, his voice flat.
“I offered for her to come again after that.”
“Why would she want to? You introduced her as your niece to your latest boyfriend, then went off with him and left her with your personal assistant who scared the hell out of her. Which is why she called me in tears asking me to come get her and bring her home.” He still berated himself for having permitted her to go, for allowing his child’s safety and well-being to be put at risk like that. Never again.
Fawn waved him off with a tsking sound. “Well, I’ve changed. I’m married now and I have settled down. Gavin has a gorgeous thirty-room mansion with plenty of room for Ciara.”
Room for Ciara?Morgan did not like the sound of that. But rather than pouncing on it, he held back and said, “Tell you what… You can have lunch with Ciara here in my dining room. We can order takeout and have it delivered or I will even cook something up for you.”
“No way. I’m taking her out for a mother-daughter day. First we’ll have lunch at the kind of restaurant you probably never take her to, then we’ll go shopping.” She pointed at him, adding, “And you are not invited.”
“Sorry, but Ciara is not leaving this house with you,” Morgan said. “I’ll go hang out in a different part of the house so you can have your private girl time and catch up with each other right here where she is safe. But absolutely no photos or recordings of any kind. And Ciara will come tell me if you try to take any. That is my only offer.”
“How dare you try to pull a power play on me like this when I need her.”
“Exactly,” Morgan growled. “You. Need. Her. To repair your image. That is the only reason you want her now.” He shook his head. “Hard to imagine I once found you appealing. But then life is filled with surprises.”
“You only wish I would take you back.”
“I shouldn’t have brought up that subject. This isn’t about us, Fawn. It’s about Ciara. You don’t love her. I do. And I won’t let you use her to help your career.”