Page 29 of Ignite My Heart
When Blake went to the bathroom, Trent leaned close to Morgan and said, “How do you do it, man? You really get the beauties. This one is even more of a stunner than your ex.”
Morgan’s first impulse was to land a fist in Trent’s face, but he knew the guy did not mean anything insulting to Blake. Just the opposite, actually. So Morgan instead allowed himself to feel the pride that wanted to surface at having Blake on his arm. She was standout beautiful and Morgan would be lying if he said he did not agree with Trent.
And not long after that, Morgan was reminded that he was not too bad of a catch himself, when a hot-body rock star he had protected during a couple gigs threw her arms around him and said how much she missed him. Her manager had promised never to tell the rock star that her constantly coming on to Morgan was the very reason he had stopped working for her. The minute a “principal” he was guarding crossed those boundaries, he pulled himself off the job.
Morgan told the rock star that he ran a company now, placing other bodyguards and training them, as he gently removed her hands from his body and introduced her to his fiancée.
Blake remained polite, but he liked seeing the hint of jealous fire in her eyes.
* * *
By the timethey returned home, the buzz between them was so strong Blake felt like she might burst into flames. How would she ever sleep tonight knowing that Morgan was right down the hall lying naked in his bed?
Yeah, after that night she had knocked on his bedroom door looking for Ciara and he’d answered it in nothing but a towel, she knew he definitely slept naked.
When they got inside the house, Blake found out she was far from alone in these thoughts. As soon as he closed the front door, Morgan tossed off her shawl, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she was breathless, his hands moving over her back and butt. If she thought the kiss in the corn maze was intense, she knew now that one was just a warm-up.
Blake clutched his shirt, pulling him close, loving the way he held her as he ravaged her mouth. She pressed her sweet spot against the hard cock in his trousers, and his mouth went to her ear, her throat, then down to the top of her breasts that puffed out above the neckline of her dress. She slipped her hands under his suit jacket and pushed it off, then began unbuttoning his shirt.
Morgan already had the back zipper of her dress down—hadn’t he said he was good with zippers? He walked her backwards to the living room sofa and tugged her sleeves down, dropping the whole dress at her feet. She had worn a lace bra, wishing for this, hoping for it, but after a low growl of appreciation when he saw it, he dispensed with the bra fast.
His mouth dove in for a taste, licking and sucking her nipples, and her knees collapsed. Morgan held her and guided her to recline on the sofa.
Blake went for his pants and he quickly got himself out of them, then moved his hands and mouth all over her, tasting and caressing her shoulder, her tummy, her legs.
“I’ve wanted to touch you like this since I first saw you,” he murmured against her skin. His fingers dipped inside her panties and pulled them off, then found her nubbin. She gasped and let him play with her, taking her already aroused body higher. And when he added his mouth to his hand it did not take long to make her scream out her orgasm.
He shucked off the rest of his clothes and stretched out next to her, skin to skin, chest to chest, belly to belly, legs entwining, his mouth sinking into hers.
And it was heaven.
Morgan smiled at her, his shaggy hair falling around his handsome face as he hovered close to her. She grabbed his hard member and stroked him, making him moan, but he stopped her. “I want to be inside you. Do you want me, Blake?”
“I’ve wanted you every day and every night, Morgan, for so long.”
He reached down to his trousers on the floor and pulled a condom from his wallet. She took it and rolled it onto him, then opened her arms and her legs, welcoming this man who could not possibly know how much he meant to her.
No way was she going to bring up the fact that she might not need a condom, nor would she expect a man as responsible as Morgan to take that risk. A momentary fear of losing her heart to him and getting it broken surfaced in her mind, but she shoved that thought away too, refusing to ruin this glorious moment.
Morgan lifted himself over her and then plunged into her all at once, to the hilt, his passion and drive exactly what she would expect from him. Blake wrapped her legs around him, surrendering to him as he began pounding into her mercilessly.
Blake had fantasized having her legs and her arms around Morgan like this for so many nights in her lonely bed. And now here he was, making love to her with a passion she had never experienced before. His powerful body felt as wonderful as she’d imagined it would, the heat of him searing into her. Moaning and whimpering, she breathed out his name, meeting his every thrust with her own demanding response, until they soared over the edge together.
Afterward, he collapsed on top of her, his weight a precious blanket, his breath still scented with the one glass of wine he’d sipped all night at the party. Her hands mindlessly stroked his back.
“Blake,” he whispered, his voice husky.
“We both did some fine acting tonight at the party, but this…this was not pretend.”
“No,” she breathed out, “it was not.” And she pulled his head down to hers to plant a kiss on his mouth, thrilled with the excitement of what could be.
* * *
The ringingof his mobile phone pulled Morgan out of a dream, and he grabbed it quickly off the nightstand, not wanting to disturb Blake who slept soundly next to him in his bed.
He glanced at the phone, squinting from the morning light flooding through his bedroom window. It was Ciara. At seven fifteen in the morning. But then she’d always been up and ready to roll early and the three of them were usually getting ready for work and school at this hour. Just because he had been up all night making love to Blake did not mean the rest of the world had stopped.