Page 46 of Ignite My Heart
“And you mine. I never expected to fall in love again. Ever.”
“Neither did I.”
Blake got up and walked over to the window, amazed at how happy she was now. “Do you know how many times I pretended that you were my real husband and Ciara my real daughter?”
Morgan came up behind her and took her hand. He went down on one knee and said, “Then let’s make it real. Marry me, Blake?”
“Yes, for real, Morgan. Yes.”
* * *
Blake endedher phone call to Lydia Hanlon and went to sit with Morgan in he kitchen where he was having another mug of coffee.
“How did it go?” he asked, studying her and no doubt thinking she might have changed her mind again. She was not used to this version of Morgan, but she liked that he wanted her that badly.
“It went well,” Blake said. “Instead of making up something, I told her everything. It reminded me of when I was her assistant and she was so intuitive and caring and ready to listen to my personal stuff. She understood what I was going through here completely and said I should never give up a chance for love. She recently lost the man who’d been her husband for forty-three years, so she knew what she was talking about.”
“Did you know him?”
“I met him many times, but never spent any time with him. He was an attorney at a Boston firm.” Blake slid into a chair across from Morgan. “I want to take some time to go up and visit her this year. In fact, she asked if I wanted to work on a history book she’s been commissioned to do. Some research and maybe even some writing for it. We would communicate remotely and she would get me access to the online archives.”
“Wow. She must think highly of you to ask that.”
Blake could not hold in her excitement. “She has always believed in me and my capabilities in a way no one else ever had. Harper and Uncle Phil and Aunt Ginny had my back, but I used to feel they thought a girl from Queens should do something more normal. My mom used to come out and say it.”
“And you felt it as a rejection of who you are.”
“Hard not to,” she said with a sigh. “But to get back to the present, Lydia also suggested she might be able to get me some lecture dates at the school. Not much. Just a few slots a year in a program she runs. I can’t believe I went so long without staying in touch with her.”
“You said you also want to look for some kind of teaching position locally, right?”
“Yes, but it won’t be easy out here. But I might be able to get some kind of undergrad world history course.” Blake grabbed the empty mug she had left on the counter earlier and poured herself another cup from the coffeemaker. “I’ve got to stay awake until Ciara comes home. You kept me up so late, Mr. Raines.”
He gave her a sexy grin, his eyes looking at her like he was ready for another round. “I can’t wait to tell her our news.”
At noon Marni showed up with baby Jack in a knapsack on her chest and Ciara in tow. The first thing Ciara did was locate her cats that were asleep beneath their favorite sunny window.
But it took no time at all for Marni to say, “What is that on your finger?”
A wide grin formed on her face and Blake said, “Morgan and I worked things out. We’re getting married.”
She wasn’t sure who screamed louder, Marni or Ciara. Both of them came running forward to hug her, but baby Jack did not like the noise and started to cry, so Marni had to back off.
“Will I be able to call you ‘Mommy’ after you marry my dad?” Ciara asked.
Blake nodded, looking directly in the girl’s eyes. “I’m going to also adopt you, sweetheart, so I will be more than your stepmother. I’ll be your legal mother.”
Ciara went into a silly hopping dance all around the kitchen, making them all laugh.
“And guess what else?” Morgan said, sauntering over to his daughter. “Uncle Cory is coming for dinner tonight to celebrate with us.”
Another squeal from Ciara. “Is Aunt Lina coming?”
“No, she is still in California.”
“Is that your partner?” Marni asked.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “We take turns around which of us shows up where for the holiday parties, so he is here for a couple days. Would be nice if you and Harper could join us since he is the one who started this whole thing.”