Page 64 of Fate Promised
“You gave me this ring, which has magic in it because of you. Your protection.” But he remained frozen under her hands, not reacting to her touch. She shifted her hips. Underneath her, he was thick and straining. She shifted again as if she were settling on him, but really she wanted to brush against him. Tease.
His golden eyes turned from hard and distant to warm. Heated.
“I’m not a distraction. I’m a break. You still need to sleep. To do … other things.” She shifted again, and he inhaled sharply.
“This place is dangerous, and I don’t know anything about the creatures down here,” he said.
She ran her hand up his neck, and the tension in his muscles softened. “Koschei does. Let him help. Let him protect the palace for a bit.”
“He and Arrow are patrolling right now.”
Her head was telling her it was better for them to remain apart. That it would make things easier. But through their bond in her chest, she felt his frustration. His discomfort. She needed to soothe him. Needed to find the Juri who cracked jokes and enjoyed adventure. Not this tense, angry vulk who seemed a second away from roaring. She ran her fingers over his brow and up over his ears.
He shuddered, and his hand on her back drew her closer. She slid against his swelling length, and he groaned.
He needed her. And she definitely needed him.
She dipped her hips again, and his pupils dilated. In one smooth motion he flipped her under him on the floor, the marble cold against her back. He purred louder and his mouth landed on her neck. She clawed at him. “I want you.”
After tasting him for a night, being denied during the past week had been torture.
He ripped her shirt off with a claw, and one of his large hands landed on her breast. “I always want you. Every day. Every minute.”
Liquid heat pumped fast and hard through her. She bit his neck, and he growled. He pinched her nipple, rolling it just the way she liked. She arched into him, her head falling back.
He licked up her throat, the tip of his tongue applying a trail of pressure that danced up the column of her neck, under her jaw, and swept over the hollow below her ear. She’d never thought her neck sensitive until him.
She trembled and gasped.
Juri plucked her off the floor. Remaining on his knees, he half-carried and half-rolled her back into her bedroom. The door slammed shut.
They didn’t make it onto the bed. She clawed at him, and he growled, laying her on the floor to kneel in front of her. The marble cooled her heated skin as she ran her hands down his chest. She grabbed the waist of his trousers and fumbled with the fastening. More. More heat. More of him.
He had to help her, and with one flick of his thumb, his trousers came open. She tugged them down, finally freeing him. Juri remained on his knees, his length jutting forward. She wrapped her hand around him and couldn’t completely close her fingers.
She pumped. Silky skin. Hot and thick.
Juri jerked and groaned. She slid her hand up and down, and his cock throbbed, the base swelling. She ran her fingers over it and squeezed.
Juri hissed and swore. Triska pressed up and took the tip of him in her mouth. It was all that would fit, he was so thick. He froze above her, his chest still as he stopped breathing. She ran her tongue over the tip of him and sucked.
“Triska …” He groaned words in Vulk as he swayed forward, slapping his palm on the side of the bed to keep himself propped over her.
She sucked and gently squeezed the base of his cock rhythmically. “Do you like that?”
Above her, his chest heaved. He shuddered over and over as she worked him, his cock throbbing in her mouth, harder and thicker still. “You’re a goddess. And you’re driving me mad.” Their gazes locked, and his golden eyes filled with black. He purred, but it wasn’t his sensual, seductive purr. This was harsh. Feral.
An answering demand heated her blood. He was her vulk and she wanted him to take her. Remind her of the best reason she had for fighting the sea.
Juri plucked her off the ground and brought them both to the bed. In another motion, he flipped her onto all fours. Hot breath fanned the nape of her neck as he brushed her hair off her back. Teeth grazed her shoulder, and she whimpered. That was where he was supposed to mark her.
But he moved away, his lips brushing over her upper back, pausing above her right shoulder blade. He sucked at the spot, and one hand snaked under her. His fingers found her breast, rolling the nipple, first softly, then as his teeth nibbled, harder.
Her back bowed and her hips thrust upward, inviting him closer. Teeth grazed down her back until he found another spot. Sucked. Bit.
Each nip injected pure lust through her. He was marking her. Maybe not exactly the way she needed, but it was still a claiming, and it felt right.
He rolled her nipple in one hard twist. In one swipe, he tore her breeches down the sides. With another, he shucked them off her, leaving her bare. Fabric rustled, and his trousers landed on the floor beside her shredded ones.