Page 20 of Fate Unchained
Kyril rubbed his mouth. “I thought you wanted to get rid of our rune and bolt? Since we aren’t mates and all.”
“We aren’t. But if we’re really locked together for a month …” She shrugged, her blanket sliding down her shoulders slightly. He followed the motion. “We can work together instead of glaring at each other across a cave,” she said.
Her mouth dropped open. “What?”
“You weren’t glaring at me, you were ogling. Admiring.”
She spluttered. “No! I was trying to silently tell you what an ass I think you are. Forget it. I’m not making a pact with someone like you.”
Her stomach let out a loud growl.
He stalked over to the far side of the cave, grabbed one of the sacks of food, and then prowled back to her. When he walked, it was like he was about to attack at any moment, but it was also oddly graceful. Like he could barely contain his own strength.
He sat right next to her and pulled out a hunk of jerky. The odor of garlic, pepper, and a hint of a spice she couldn’t name, filled the air. “When did you eat last?”
Smelling the meat, her stomach grumbled. “I didn’t eat much at dinner last night, I was too nervous. So, I don’t know … a quick lunch on the road yesterday, maybe.”
He held the meat out for her. “Here.”
She clutched at the blanket around her shoulders. “If I reach for that, my blanket will drop.”
His mouth curled upward into a wicked smile. Her breath hitched. He really was magnificent. Wolfishly delicious. “I’m no fool.”
She scoffed, but she also had to bite back a smile. He really did want to see her naked, and that didn’t bother her at all. Not even a little. “Go sit over there.” She jerked her chin to where he’d sat all day on the other side of the fire.
Of course he didn’t listen. He tore off a small chunk and brought it to her lips.
Her pulse quickened. Kyril was feeding her.
His gaze on hers was intent, as if his offering, and her accepting food from him represented more. Maybe it did. Maybe it showed they could trust each other. If he could take care of Boris, would it really be so bad to have him at her side for a month? No Boris meant no one owned her debt any longer. She could return to her beloved city debt free and focus on her library.
She opened her mouth and took the bite he offered. He made a pleased humming sound and gave her some more. As they sat there, he inched the sleeping skin she sat on closer to him and the fire.
The blanket she’d wrapped herself in was the only thing between her skin and his. With every motion he made, awareness grew between them. Again, it was like she could hear music gathering, starting to swell. His hand lingered longer and longer in front of her lips, yet he kept his claws from scratching her, only brushing the pad of his finger over her bottom lip. It appeared accidental, although she didn’t think so. This vulk had supreme control of his body.
He'd know exactly how to use it.
She gulped. Why would a rune bind the two of them together? They were as different as chalk and cheese. And while he may have dismissed the poem, she remembered every word. It told her she had the option to choose him as hers. It wouldn’t connect them if they weren’t … compatible.
Her gaze drifted down to his chest and his broad, bare shoulders. Flickered lower, to his trousers. One of the risqué, hidden books she’d found in her library described exactly how compatible a vulk could be in bed. And how different a vulk was from a man.
“Why wouldn’t the rune pair you with a wolf peltwalker? Aren’t they the ones you have children with?” she asked.
His hand jumped. “Yes, that’s right.”
“So shouldn’t one of them be your mate?”
“You’re supposed to be answering my questions.” He touched her chin, tilting her face to his. “Which you’re avoiding.”
“I’m surprised you’re feeding me instead of demanding answers.”
“I’m distracted by you wearing only a blanket.” His gaze drifted to her shoulder. “Every time you move, it goes a little lower.”
She didn’t fix it. “Why would the rune pair you with me?”
He shrugged. “No idea because you’re right about peltwalkers. They come to us when they’re in heat, and sometimes, a vulk child is conceived. It’s an old arrangement that has worked for a long time.” He glanced away. “But my Alpha has a mate who isn’t a peltwalker, and they had twins a few months ago.”