Page 77 of Fate Unchained
Hazel’s blue eyes flashed. “What? Have you gone barmy? What are you—” Her eyes widened, and the two stared at each other for a long moment.
Hazel’s expression calmed. “Really?”
The brownie harrumphed. “All right then, I’ll report back to my mistress you’ve refused. There will be immediate repercussions.” He held his palm out again. “I seriously recommend you take her card and reconsider.”
Lilah reached for the card. Anything to get out of here. As her fingertips brushed the edge, Hazel yelled and leaped forward.
But it was too late. The card flashed green, and Lilah was yanked through a portal.
A bettor put their full pint of ale on one of the small tables dotting the room. Kyril sauntered by, pretended to study his racing form, and swiped it. Walking forward, he wended his way to Boris.
In front of the betting table, facing Boris, was a woman wearing an off-white dress with padding along her rump, making her skirt flare behind her like a tail. She had glasses perched on the edge of her nose, and her cheeks were flushed with drink.
He staggered, bumping into her. She whirled. “I beg your pardon!”
“So sorry, madam.” He slurred the words. “Allow me to assist.” He stepped forward and trod on her foot.
She shrieked and batted at Kyril with her racing form. He stepped backward, his hip connected with Boris’s table, and he pretended to trip.
The pint went flying. Ale sprayed all over the carefully written bets and all over Boris and the guards.
Boris shot to his feet, bellowing. The guards leaped back. Kyril opened the toothpick case, and with a soft whoosh, a wisp of bluish air shot forward.
Boris fanned the papers in front of him, and the spell hit him directly in the side. The chort didn’t seem to notice.
Kyril turned away and headed back for the door.
“Hazel’s in the shop. There’s a problem.”
An enormous blast shook the building. Kyril leaped forward. He flung the door open and barreled past the man standing guard there. The front of the shop was destroyed, including the window where Lilah was sitting.
His heart stopped. Where was she?
Patrons screamed and ran for the door. He grabbed a woman by the arm, the one sitting near him and Lilah. “What the uit just happened?”
Her face was pale, her eyes wide. She only shook her head.
He bared his teeth. “My mate was here with me. Remember? What happened?”
“Mate?” She turned toward the window. “A brownie came in, and then a blond magicwielder came after him. There was arguing, and the blond woman blasted at them.” The woman yanked her arm free and ran toward the door.
Kyril charged to where his table had been. Had Hazel attacked Lilah? Ozone, the scent of used magic, tinged the air. Tables were upended, and food was strewn everywhere.
No Lilah.
A figure lay on the sidewalk. Ice clawed up his spine. He leaped through the window while Zann raced around the corner from the alley. The figure on the sidewalk wore a red cloak, and a large piece of glass stuck out of her chest.
Zann roared and leaped to Hazel’s side. Her face was pale, and she wasn’t breathing.
“Tell me what happened,” Kyril shouted. “Where’s Lilah?” Red haze tinged his vision, but underneath his rage, his stomach was a solid knot.
Zann shook his head. “I’m not sure.” He cradled Hazel’s head. “Uit, she’s badly hurt.” He glanced up at Kyril, his eyes wide and unfocused. “I need to do something. I—” His head whipped back down to the motionless spellcaster.
He shifted next to her. “Hazel, find me.” He bared his teeth. “Follow our connection. Do it.” Zann’s voice shook. He cursed and placed his hand around the glass.