Page 71 of Daddy's Bodyguard
How am I supposed to hold onto my heart when he says things like that? When he knows me well enough to know that I’m not a princess waiting on someone to save me? I bite my bottom lip and curl tighter against him.
I’ll have time for words later, right? Once I figure out what I want to say, what I’m willing to follow through on. I chew my bottom lip as the TV plays out in front of us.
“How long do you think … do you think we’ll be here?”
“Complaining about your company?”
He freezes a moment, then smiles. “You like playing house with me, don’t you?”
“It’s not terrible.” I grumble. “It’s almost nice.”
“That sounds like a half truth. Do we have to play another round of truth or dare to get it all?”
“Bring it on, bodyguard,” I challenge.
He chuckles and rubs my side. “As you command, sweetheart.”
Chapter 22
The next two days are honestly amazing. I didn’t think work could be pleasant. Not like this. Sofia and I talk constantly about movies and books and her plans after we leave our hiding place. We have sex every day, and each time, I feel her pull back a little less. And she opens up more, telling me about college and high school, playing sports, getting scholarships and meeting Carissa in college.
It feels like we’re actually in a relationship. She hasn’t fought with me since we got here, but she has plenty of sass, now mixed with a healthy dose of genuine answers. It’s refreshing, sweet, real.
As she leans against my shoulder while watching a Hallmark movie, I check my phone. Cash checked in this morning, saying all’s still clear at Ernesto’s safehouse. He still gave me shit about not being able to keep my target where she belonged. I took his mouthing without arguing back this time because he’s right. After taking the time to stew, I realized I had been careless. I should never have allowed Sofia to leave the safehouse in the first place. She was an unpredictable client, I knew that from the start, and I should have kept my feet down like I always did. But I was already weak to her the second she took my hand in her apartment.
I lean back on the couch with a sigh. There’s been a thought that’s been niggling at me since the attack on her workplace, and that thought has been getting stronger each day. What if I’m not enough to keep her safe? Maybe she needs someone who’s more objective than I am, someone immune to her charms. Someone like Kingston, cool and disconnected, whose first priority is her safety, not her comfort. It had always been my goal on any assignment, but with Sofia, I failed.
There, I admit it. I failed to keep her safe because of my weakness to her. Now, what should I do about it? The bad guys are still out there, searching, trying to accomplish their goals. Am I enough to keep them at bay?
“What are you thinking of?”
I kiss the top of her head with a forced smile. “Nothing, really. I’m just noticing how relaxed you look.”
She puts her leg over my thigh, wrapping her arm around my middle. “This is the first time I’ve had more than a weekend off in over two years.”
“How’s it feel?”
“I don’t know. I don’t really like not being productive, and I’m worried about Carissa and the guys at work.” She chews her bottom lip, then squeezes me. “But I know they’re safer without me there.”
I kiss her forehead and rub her back. “Only for a little bit longer. Then you’ll be back to saving the world.”
“And hopefully, I’ll have some better ideas to put in place.” Her finger circles my most recent injury, and she sighs. “What do you think we could do to better support the Veterans Administration?”
“You want my opinion?”
“You worked with me for a week and change,” she reminds me. “And you’re uniquely qualified.”
“I’ll let you know when something comes to me.” I stroke through her hair.
“I can’t wait to be back home. Not in a crampy motel room.”