Page 91 of Daddy's Bodyguard
“We lived with each other for nearly a month. We had sex before a date. Your boss saw us kissing. We’re past slow.” He adjusts again.
“You were shot twice because of me, and you still think this is a good idea.”
He shrugs. “With enough wounds, I might become some kind of half robot. Then I could handle you properly.”
I laugh and kiss him. His lips are warm against mine, and when he teases me with his tongue, I pull back. “Oh no, you don’t. No tongue until you’re walking.”
“That’s a good incentive.” He sighs. “I love you, Sofia.”
“We’ll get there,” I hedge.
“Come on. Give me the truth. Who knows when I’ll have the balls to say it sober.”
I laugh and bite my lip. My heart swells in my chest. I know it’s true. I know he knows it too. It was obvious when I called him, thinking I was going to die. It was obvious when I had to be knocked out to leave his side. It was obvious when I killed to keep him alive.
“I love you, Jasper.”
His grin stretches over his face even as his eyes start to close. “You’ll have to tell me again. I’ll think it was a dream.”
“We have time,” I assure. “And you’ll have plenty of time to bug me into saying it again.”
I squeeze his hand even as he takes a half-snoring breath. “I promise.”
Chapter 28
Sofia ends up going to work the next week while I recover. I’m finally told I can go home as long as I have family to help out. Of course, Sofia’s there and insists I’ll be coming with her.
The nurse doesn’t argue. A part of me wonders if they’re afraid of her. I wouldn’t blame them. My vicious Sofia now has a body count. Unfortunately, before we can go anywhere, the police pay me a visit.
Sofia watches them with sharp eyes. She demands to know if I need a lawyer, but once I take her hand and let her know I can handle it, she calms down. She takes a slow breath and sits there, holding my hand while they ask questions.
When they leave, I move to the wheelchair, and Sofia takes a trip down the hall with me, pushing me slowly until I lean back to tease her. “Is there only one speed on this thing?”
She pops a wheelie and rushes with me down the almost empty hallway. I laugh, and when we come to the stop in front of a very unhappy nurse, Sofia bursts into giggles after apologizing. We return to the room, and she waves nurses away when it’s time for me to get changed.
“Someone’s protective,” I tease.
“You might realize you can do better if some sexy nurse gets her hands on you.”
“Let’s get you a nurse costume.” I tug on her shirt.
I undo the ties on my gown and lean back, resting for a second. Sofia helps me into underwear holding onto my damaged leg as she does so. Not one hesitation, not one pitying look. Fuck, could I be more in love with her?
She looks at the gauze on my stomach and chews her bottom lip. “I feel like I’m constantly in your debt.”
“You are. Now stop looking at my sexy body and dress me, woman,” I order.
She arches an eyebrow at me. “Really, smart-ass? You’re going to bethatkind of man?”
My smile gets me out of trouble enough that she pulls my pants on and reaches for the shirt. She laughs when she sees it. “The shark?”
“And tiger. Can’t forget that.” I sigh.
It takes us more time to get the shirt on, but Sofia doesn’t rush, doesn’t get frustrated; she just helps. Once I’m done, I catch her hand. She meets my eyes and shakes her head. “You’re the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met.”