Page 32 of Shattered Desires
“The shoot, huh? Did you and DJ have a shoot?” Kade’s eyes narrow, and I already know what’s been on his mind ever since he stepped foot in Chicago again.
He’s going to fucking swoop back in and try to sweet talk her into giving their relationship another go. But there’s no way Declan has that little of respect for herself. Not a chance in hell. She’d never.
Would she?
“Nah, she invited me to her magazine shoot for the Hottest Females in Rock spread.” If I’m being real honest with myself, I enjoy how his chest seems to deflate a little bit.
He takes a long pull from his fresh, ice-cold beer and nods. “How’d that go?” Kade shifts his focus from me to the television again, but by the way the muscle in his jaw tenses, I know he’s jealous.
Just for old time’s sake, I have to take a jab. What are brothers for?
“I actually ended up being in the shoot. We had a kissing scene, and Declan was insane. She’s made for this life, man. I can’t imagine her doing anything else. She thrives in the spotlight, even when she doesn’t want to be.”
Kade squares to face me, swiveling on his stool. The air between us has shifted, and he no longer looks relaxed or easygoing. He’s got a fire in his eyes that he only gets over Declan. At least, that’s the only woman to ever put that in his eyes back when we were all just teenagers.
“You kissed DJ?” he asks, and a deep laugh escapes his throat.
Now it’s my turn to be annoyed.
“What’s funny about me kissing Declan?”
God, I hate that nickname he uses for her. She’s not a DJ; she’s a Declan through and through.
“Just didn’t think you had the balls to kiss her, that’s all.” Kade shifts on the stool and calls the bartender over to us. “Can I get a couple shots of Jameson? My little brother is growing up.” A smile spreads across his face, and I want to slap it off him. “Now we’ve both kissed her since being back in this city.”
My entire fucking body heats with a rage I have trouble controlling. I didn’t know the two of them kissed. And I could have gone my entire fucking life not knowing that. I have to ignore it because if I don’t, I’ll end up doing something I shouldn’t do. “Never really had the opportunity to kiss her, did I?” I retort, watching him nod in agreement.
“You know, when I decided to come back home, I was looking forward to this.” Kade motions between the two of us. “I was looking forward to seeing you and the family. Reminiscing about old times. Letting go of stupid shit in our pasts.” I wait for the other shoe to drop. “You had your chance, little brother. It isn’t my fault you didn’t take it. I was out of the picture for over five years. Now that I’m back, you’re finally going to grow a pair?”
The bartender comes over with two shots of the amber liquid, and I slide them both to myself, taking one right after the other.
After kissing Declan, bitching to Miller, and now dealing with Kade’s cocky ass… I know what I have to do. I refuse to sit back and let my brother swoop in again. It isn’t happening. Especially now that I know the two of them kissed. I can’t tell her what to do, but I will damn sure go after her. I can’t risk her going back to him without knowing how I actually feel.
“Go fuck yourself, Kade.”
Kade laughs a deep belly laugh. “This is going to be a fun tour together, isn’t it?” Kade downs a shot that the bartender slides to him, realizing I downed the last two. “May the best man win, little brother.”
Each show is better than the last. I don’t know how it’s possible, but it’s true. Whenever we have a break from touring, it feels as if when we go back on tour, things will be rusty or it’ll take some time to get our groove back again. But that’s the furthest thing from reality. The guys and I are playing our third show of the East Coast tour, and every night is better than the last.
Tonight we’re at TD Garden, and the crowd is freaking beautiful. We’re finishing up our last song, “Ghost of You.”
Back from the dead
With none of your fucked-up motives in my head
Lemme mingle with the ghost of you
Dream about the bullshit you said was true (it was never true, was it?)
Bordeaux sings main vocals, and I back him up while plucking along to our number one song. I look down in the mosh pit just in time to see a woman yank her shirt up, exposing her breasts to us. I smile while I sing and shake my head as I read the words painted across her chest. Marry Me, Miller.