Page 68 of Ruthless Vows
“Stay still, or he’ll put a bullet between your fucking eyes,” Giana spits out, fury lacing her tone.
Miraculously, he listens as I point my gun at him.
Giana doesn’t take her eyes off him as she quickly stands on her toes, getting into a better position, and then she slices the man’s throat.
“How’s that for some Amato action, asshole?” She lets him fall to the floor with a thud, unable to set him down quietly, and I rush toward her and cup her face in my hands.
I am so fucking proud of her.
I notice the slightest tremble roll through her body before she collects herself.
“You’re fine, angel. You did great,” I tell her, looking around and then down at the guard as blood pools from his wound.
The sound his body makes as he starts to lose all sense of life is muted from my hand slapping against his mouth.
I fucking knew that was going to be too messy. I can’t say no to this woman—especially when she wants payback…especially when she fucking deserves it. I couldn’t stand in the way of her taking that fucker down. Not after how he spoke about her.
He gurgles out his last feeble breaths while blood runs like water from his neck and down his chest, and then suddenly, the door he was guarding swings open.
Santiago Martínez stands in the doorway, his face twisted in complete horror as I back him inside with my bloodied knife pressed to his chest.
“In, fucker,” I grunt out. “Now.”
I scan the room quickly as Giana’s footsteps follow us, and she shuts the door.
“Who else is in here?” I ask, moving him with me and checking each room within his suite.
“Fucking no one, you imbecile. Put the weapon down, or you won’t even live to regret your next move.” Santiago’s thick accent punctuates each word; he’s unwilling to back down in the slightest. But if he has a weapon, he doesn’t show it. His hands stay at his sides as he eyes up Giana. “The fuck are you doing, bitch? Should have known you’d pull a stunt like this. You can’t just sit back and look pretty, can you?”
I punch the fucker in the side of the head, delivering a hard-as-fuck blow that cracks something in my hand. Pain ripples through my shoulder, and I wince but immediately shake it off.
“Now, now, Mr. Martínez,” I say calmly, picking him up off the ground where he landed when my fist collided with his temple. “We don’t talk to women like that. That worthless daddy of yours never taught you manners, huh?”
While I’m stepping backward to stand him up, he catches me off guard, spitting blood from his mouth and shoving me to the ground with more force than I expected from him.
“You fuck!” I yell. “Giana, get over there!” I nod to the corner so she’s out of the way of our scuffle. “You surprised me once. You won’t get another chance.”
I roll over on top of him as he lands a blow to my jaw, hard enough to hurt but not faze me in the slightest.
“Guess your daddy did teach you something, though,” I taunt him. “Taught you to punch like a fucking little girl.”
I laugh like a maniac as he sends another blow crashing into the side of my head. I don’t retaliate since I’ll lose the upper hand. My position looming over him is all I need to finish him off. I’ve got my knife in one hand and his collar in my other, and I bring him toward me before slamming him against the floor.
“Fuck you,” he spits.
Blood from his mouth, probably from biting his tongue with my punch, stains his teeth and trickles down to his lips.
He tries and fails to get the upper hand, and just when I think this is too easy, he knees me in my fucking sac.
“Fuck!” I seethe as I struggle to hold dominance over him.
Finally, I headbutt him, and his head knocks backward against the floorboards.
I know we need to get out of here, and fast, because there’s not a doubt in my mind people are coming. We’ve been much too fucking loud in here with this bastard. I want him to struggle, want to make this painful and twisted and fucked up, but there’s no time.
“Dante, hurry, please,” Giana says, making a move to come toward me.
Grabbing a tight hold on my stained knife, I push Santiago down one last time as he continues struggling. Finally, I position myself just right and slit his throat ear to ear. I’m instantly sprayed with blood splatter, and I scrub my hand down my face, spitting out what liquid got into my mouth as I quickly stand and grab Giana.