Page 97 of Ruthless Vows
Instead of replying to what I’ve just said, his eyes search my face as he says, “Thank you. Thank you, angel.” Then, he hurries out, “I fucking love you, Giana. Fuck. I am so in love with you. You are going to be fine, angel.” His voice is shaking.
Even in this state, I can recognize the unfamiliar cadence.
He’s scared.
“Remi, apply pressure,” he orders as he looks at her own battered arm. “Use your good arm and do your best. Please.”
I don’t miss his grimace as my blood quickly pours from the gaping hole in the spot between my collarbone and my shoulder. Dante cups my face as Antonio and Lorenzo rush to cover him.
Something shifts. It’s quick. So quick. Like the flick of a light switch.
But I feel it. A subtle snap, and everything dulls.
The pain still thunders through me, but it’s less sharp, more heavy.
Like something is pulling my body down as the world starts to dim.
It’s scary, but God is it nice. Peaceful.
Dante tightens his hold on my face and says, “I love you so goddamn much. I am so fucking sorry, angel. I swear I’m coming home to you,” he says as bullets fly past him and men start running toward Antonio and Lorenzo.
He presses his mouth to mine so quickly I barely feel the warmth of his lips before he pulls away and slams the door.
Leo starts speeding away before it’s fully closed, the tires spinning under the magnitude of Leo’s acceleration.
Remi reaches out for me when I turn to try to get a glimpse of Dante as we drive away.
I can only hope he stays true to his word because I can’t do this without him.
Please come home to me, Dante.
I collapse down on the leather seats when the men become nothing more than tiny specks in my vision, finally relenting as I become so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
“I love you,” I think I manage to get out, although I’m long gone from the man I’m speaking to.
The last thing I see is Remi’s worried face as I slowly fade out, blood pouring from my bullet wound like a waterfall, saturating my left arm and hand until I can no longer tell where my skin ends and the blood begins.
My steps areslow as I enter through my parents’ front door. I’m not trying to be quiet. I just hurt like hell.
With each labored breath, a sharp pain attacks the right side of my chest. I haven’t been able to get a full breath of air deep into my lungs for the past two hours or so. Just shallow, small intakes of air.
My body hurts like a fucking bitch, but throughout the remainder of the fight on The Blood Syndicate’s property, all I could think of was getting home to Giana.
“Oh,figlio.” My mother rushes around the corner and tries to hug me, but I recoil.
“Everything hurts, Ma.”
Her lips turn downward as she assesses me.
“Where is she?” I ask, knowing she’s been taking care of Giana since Leo got her and Remi back to the house. The rest of us were out trying to end shit with the cartel. “Has the doctor come by?”
“She’s upstairs resting. She’s been out for hours. Doc made her comfortable, and she’s all patched up. She’s a fighter, that one. Lost a lot of blood, and Doc is doing a transfusion on her right now.” She pauses and brushes her hand against my cheek. “We need to have him look at you. You look like hell.Signore in cielo!”
I continue walking and take the stairs two at a time, ignoring the pain striking my body with each movement.
“You should see the other guys, Ma!” I call out to her, trying to make her feel better but knowing my satire doesn’t help.
Once I make it to the room with an open door, I peek inside and see Doc sitting in a chair and Giana sleeping.